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5:48 am

"Ah this place looks beautiful. Only if we were here under different circumstances." Hoseok took in the view of the island. 

"This brat! There will be no us if we don't make it out of here alive." Yoongi hyung let out his frustration and anxious mind. 

"Hyung! I told you not to drink orange juice in the morning, now I have to deal with a murky Yoongi hyung for the rest of the day." The former replied with some sass. 

"Guys! Let's not panic. It's just the beginning. If we concentrate, I think we can do this." Jin hyung said calmly. 

He was trying his best to keep us strong although I saw the fear in him too. So I decided to be motivated for him. I know it will boost him as well. 

"Now that I see it, we've got everything here. The sun, the sea, the breeze and the sand. The four elements all at the same place." I said. 

Jin hyung gave me a encouraging smile. I've got your back hyung.

"Don't you think we need like a miniature version of our elements in front of us? Like Jin hyung can put up a lil' fire with the wood sticks, Yoongi hyung can just get some sea water in a shell, Joonie can just put a handful of sand. But what about me? Oh oh do I get to use the little electric fan?" Hoseok pointed out. 

Man I wanna hit this guy so bad! But he loves me too much to hit him.

"You just stay calm and we'll be halfway done." Yoongi hyung took his revenge. The younger one just gave him a 'are you serious?' look. 

"Save the energy guys. Lets get on with it." Jin hyung cut in their banter. 

6:53 am

The guys prepared for their supposedly 'sacred ritual'. They placed some burnt dry leaves and wood, sea water in a hollow and broken coconut, a fistful of sand before them. As for air, well Hoseok was breathing quite well. 

We also had the belongings of the girls and mediators. 

"Okay, now let's try chanting those phrases we collected from the book grandma referred." Jin hyung said and held out his hands. 

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mumbled and took hyung's hand in mine and closed my eyes. Soon the other boys followed. 

8:07 am

It felt like eternity. We were sitting like saints in the middle of nowhere and chanting things we don't even understand. I can't take this anymore. How long… 

"How long will it take to happen?" Yoongi hyung read my mind. 

I opened my eyes and saw I wasn't the only one frustrated by this thing.

I wrecked my brain. What are we missing? 

"Boys, what if we're chanting the wrong phrases this whole time? I mean we don't even know what those words mean. I think it should be something which relates us." I commented. 

"What about the prophecy? Doesn't it literally define us?" Hoseok stated what we all seemed to overlook. 

"He's right! And I think this might just work so guys lets be patient this time." Jin hyung looked pretty determined. 

This might actually work.

9:03 am

We tried it for like an hour but still nothing. Well to be honest my mind wasn't in it totally. 

I was still reminiscing the last moments with my grandma. Somewhere deep down, I still believe she died because of the stress she had to go through for me. 

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