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APRIL 25, 2020

5:55 am


That's what I've felt all my life. But today it was because I forgot to turn the heater on. Grabbing my phone with sleepy eyes, I checked the time.

"Jesus, I'm late!"

I jumped out of the bed heading straight to the kitchen. I can't afford to get late today. I grabbed the pan and made the fastest yet tastiest meal I know.

After packing the food for my little squirrel, I ran off to her bedroom.

"This punk!"

I sighed looking at the sleeping figure. It was the first day of her college after the summer break. I still can't believe my little sister is now a fourth year medical student. She'll be leaving for hostel again today and I'll be left alone.


"Hyejin ah!" I nudged her snoring body.

"It's late, wake up! Hyejin ah, it's really late you know. . ." I softly tucked her bangs away.

This won't do.

I pulled her comforter away and tickled her softly.

"Hey, wake up or you'll die in my hands today!"

She Shrieked up with a jolt, clearly annoyed.

"Oppa, I know you love me but isn't this too much?" She cried in frustration.

"Check the time and you'll thank me." I turned around to leave the frantic girl behind.

Looking at Hyejin munching on my food fills me everyday. She is the little ball of sunshine in my life and now that she'll be gone my life will become darker.

"Mmm Oppa, this is so delicious. Why don't you reconsider my idea? A restaurant will be the best thing for you. How long are you going to waste your talent by working these jobs with low job security. . ."

There she goes again. Same rant about my restaurant. It's not that I don't want to open, it's just that I can't afford to.
If I stop doing my "low job security" work, I won't be able to pay all the bills and her fees. Being her guardian I can't let that happen. My dreams are nothing in front of my sister's life.

After dropping Hyejin on her campus with her luggage I arrived at my day office.

I work three jobs a day; one shift from 8am to 4pm, second from 7 to 9 pm and the last at a convenient store where I usually sleep when Hyejin's not around.

While making coffee for everyone my attention went to my boss, how he was just sitting reading the newspaper. I wished a similar, comfortable, happy life.


I don't remember when I was happy the last time. Probably the day when we went to Daechon Beach. The last day we were a complete family. The day I killed my parents.

"Yoongi ssi. . ."

A voice broke me out of my trance. A female co-worker was looking at me like she's seen a ghost.


"Are you okay? You look really pale."

Well, I've always been pale.

"No no, I'm fine. Do you need anything?"

"Oh um, boss wanted to see you?"

That's something new. I was rarely given any extra task here. I excused myself and went to meet him. After knocking the door I went inside to find him staring at his phone.

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