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"Omma, you look pretty today." My four year old, bundle of joy complimented me. I cupped her cheeks, and kissed her head thanking her. 

I, Wang Hee Young, was only 19 when I met her Dad. We're both pursuing fine arts and after six months we were in a happy relationship. In our third year, he wanted to take the next step. I was a fool for love and so I agreed. 

The odds were against us and we came to know about Yeona, our daughter. I had to drop out but I made him complete his final year. His parents didn't approve of our relationship while my parents denied to accept the baby, saying it will only bring disgrace to the family. 

We decided to keep her on our own. After a year we held our little girl in our arms. But things were getting tougher for us to survive in city like Seoul. He couldn't support us with the jobs he did and one day he just packed his things and left.

"I'm getting out of this Hell."

Those were his last words. 
I silently cried to sleep that night, humming the lullaby to my little angel. From the next day, I began my journey as a struggling mother. All the hardships were bearable when I saw the toothy smile of my girl. 

I raised her with all the love she should have recieved. I made her brave enough to stand for herself. I was happy she was nothing like her dad. She took the news of her father leaving us very well. Perhaps she didn't even get to know what it feels to have a Dad. 

Putting on a smile for my girl, made me realize I was strong enough for both of us. People said she would drag me down into the darkness. But I stopped listening to them a long time ago.

No one can change the fact that she is the reason I didn't give in when I was backed up against the wall. She never asked questions like 'why did he leave us?' or 'can I have a Appa too?' 

"You're enough for me", was all she ever told me. And every time she does, I'm reminded of the moment I named her Wang Yeona. 

Me and her dad never got married, so technically I, Wang Hee Young, a single mother lived happily with my little ball of sunshine. After working a number of jobs for four years I landed myself the position of an illustrator at one of the best publishing house. 

"Yeona ah, I'll be just round the corner so don't worry about me honey. They have many toys and storybooks to read so you won't get bored. The man over there will watch after you until I come back. I wrote my number in this chit, if you feel something's wrong you run outside and ask an adult to call me using this. Okay?" I instructed my four year old while dropping her at the day care centre within my workplace. 

She nodded her head several times, reassuring me. Her cuteness always made my day. She placed her tiny hands on my cheeks and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Now have a great day ahead Omma."

I smiled and she giggled. After watching her go inside safely I made my way to my new office. I never thought I'd be able to work after having Yeona.
But here I was. 

"Miss Wang?"

Mr. Byun, who interviewed the candidates called out.

"Good morning Hee Young ssi. Congratulations on your appointment. Your talent got you the spot and I'm expecting great things from you."

He greeted with a genuine smile which I couldn't bring myself to imagine. 
He was that intimidating.

"Here's your ID and we have a meeting in five." He said and left. Just like that. I quickly went to my small cubicle besides which was beside a spacious room. Probably the writer's. 

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