Chapter 92: Tenko Shimura: Origin

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"Huh? He's all big now." Christina commented looking at the man who's figure now towered over both her and Shigaraki.

"What should we do now?" the girl asks, the blue haired male looked at her for a moment but said nothing.

"Shigaraki, please tell me you have a plan" she spoke hoping he would say something. Yet, Shigaraki still remained silent as a feeling of dread began to fill the pit of her stomach. Then, without warning, Shigaraki rushed forward,

"so I guess we're just attacking him" the girl said to herself. She too rushed forward her hand outstretched towards the man. As she was about to hit him she let out a surprised gasp as she felt a large hand grip her arm tightly. The feeling of her arm being squeezed made her cry out in pain as Christina's eyes went wide. How had she been so easily caught? Then, she heard someone else cry out in pain, it was Shigaraki. She glanced over to see the male in the same trouble as she was. His arm was clearly broken, Christina could feel rage building up inside of her as she tried to muster up the strength to break free. Though before she could she was throw through the air. She stared up at the sky as the wind made it hard to focus.

"Shigaraki" she thought to herself,

"I really have failed you this time. Haven't I?" The teen asked herself, her body hit the pavement as she winced her skin scrapping against the concrete. She closed her eyes as Christina tried to calm herself down.

"Why can't I beat this idiot? Am I still weak?" A tear slid down her face as she laid there her body dull with pain.

"You're such a disappointment! Why was I cursed with such a useless child." Christina could hear her mother's voice in her head.

"I should just kill you right now you whiney bitch!" Her father's voice filled her mind. The teen slowly brought her hands up and began to pull at her hair as tears began to slide down her cheeks. A broken sob escaped her lips as she got to her knees. She could see through her tears that she was bleeding in several places.

"Shigaraki" she spoke, her voice was shaky as she continued to cry.

"I don't know what to do this time, how could I fail you?" She asked as if she would get a response.  For some reason all the stress and anger that was building up inside of her made her think back, back to the time to when she first met Shigaraki. It was funny, when the two of them were younger they hated each other.

"Papa! He's being mean!" Christina called out as she ran towards All For one. She wrapped her arms around his legs as she glanced back at Shigaraki with an upset look on her face. All For One gently placed a hand on the girl's head as he kneeled down in front of her.

"Shigaraki, you should be nice to her" he scolded gently. The boy crossed his arms looking to the side.

"She's annoying" he complained pointing towards Christina. All For One sighed,

"you two should learn to get along."

"You've done so much for me Shigaraki" she said watching as the male attacked the leader of the liberation army with newfound energy. Seeing this gave Christina determination. She got to her feet and wiped the blood from her face. With an angry expression on her face she charged towards her foe. She was going to help Shigaraki.  

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