Chapter 42 b - Just a wee message to readers.

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Yes I'm writing the next chapter.  I've thought of a few more rabbit holes for the characters to fall into.


My numbers seem to be going up, more people are reading the story which is great.  I noticed some don't go past the first chapter which is a bit of a bugger.  It's to late to rewrite the beginning and it was my original thought in creating this story, so I have to be faithful to it.  Anyway...I'd love to know where along the way you start to lose interest (I get through heaps of chapters in story  after story and then bam the interest is gone.  I can feel the tone of the story has changed and I lose the plot literally).  I don't want the same thing happening to readers when they read this story....Sooooo..... What's missing if you feel like you are losing interest, what do you need more of,  what was there in the earlier chapters that's petered off etc.  I want to keep this story as alive and interesting for a wide range of readers.  I'd love to get more votes but I'd love feedback even more.  

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