Chapter 60 - More tropes than a KDrama

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Image - the smooth Paul Holt.

Paul (Pov)

As he got out of the car his worst fears were instantly confirmed. He sniffed the air and could smell the faint scent of the Homeland Lycans. It was only a lingering scent, they were not here now but had been recently. They worked faster than he thought. He should have known they have more connections than he did and have their plans set out already.

Only the Lieutenants who were at the tunnels knew the truth about what Virgil's wolf had done and Paul trusted them implicitly but still...people make mistakes and the truth may have come out.

Virgil has to be brought into the compound for his own safety as soon as possible. He was going to resist but it was vital that it happen immediately, unfortunately for Virgil it's going to feel like history repeating itself.

Virgil had jumped at the idea of going for a run and he thought it would be a chance to talk to him quietly, that was the plan anyway.

Standing at his door of his flat he sniffed the air...nothing. He knocked on Virgil's door and it was opened by a grinning Virgil. He was practically jumping up and down on the stop.

"I'm so excited. This is going to be so much fun." He dragged Paul in, pulled on his hoodie and slipped on his fitbit. "I'm ready." Paul had to smile, he occasionally forgot how young Virgil was but at times like this he saw that childlike energy and playfulness. This probably wasn't the time to pop his balloon....he'd tell him later.


It felt really good to be running. Virgil was keeping up and Paul didn't have to hold back. They reached the path along the river in now time and turned to head for the bridge. Once into the bush they turned into their wolf forms and burst into the dense shrub. Virgil's wolf over took Paul's in his eagerness to explore. Howling loudly as he bolted into the darkness. His wolf with eyes flaming red, piercing and savage, leaping over logs and boulders in his path, followed by and his equally fierce companion. Paul's wolf eyes blazed silver, his black fur tinged blue at the tips making him look like he shimmered under moonlight. It was close to midnight, a waxing moon peeping through the the canopy of twisted bare branches, it was peaceful accept for the nocturnal animals noises humming in the air. The air thick with the smells of small animals, eucalyptus, pine and damp leaves. They galloped, then bursting abruptly into full speed and taking turns chasing each other, jumping and kicking off each others back, playfully biting until one started the chase again, growling and howling as they disappeared into the under growth and reappearing covered in leaves and twigs. Their eyes ablaze with life. They galloped through the clearings where briefly the moon lit them up in all their wild beauty, then down deep into the gullies where they rolled in the spongy moss and wet leaves. They were in their bliss. They howled and eventually huddled together to rest, cleaning their paws, enjoying the feel of fur against fur and the sound of panting and contented growls.

They trotted slowly all the way back to the bridge, every nerve tingling with the essence of life that only a wild beast can feel, then turned back into their human form. They walked back in silence, both deep in thought. Virgil feeling that perhaps the dark cloud that had been hanging over him was finally starting to lift and Paul wondering how he was going to bring up and Angelo Doukas and coming to live at the Pure Blood compound. He didn't want to break the pleasant companionable silence.


Back at the flat Paul made himself a coffee while Virgil showered. The minute he walked in the room he would brooch the subject. He sat stone faced, trying to chose the words that would cause the least resistance.

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