Chapter 71 - Ended with a whimper and not a bang

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Just a short Chapter to tie up a loose end.

Paul woke up around sunrise. He opened his eyes blinking slowly and looked around, tried to focus out the window at the sun peeking over the roof tops. He was squished into the corner of the couch in an uncomfortably position. For a minute he forgot where he was, he tried to move only to find Virgil curled up in a ball in between his legs. His head on his chest, his hair covering his face and his hands curled in fists under his chin, his legs half pulled up inside his giant hoodie. Paul blinked and thought how much of a kid he looked sometimes, how soft he felt lying against him.  The TV was still doing a loop of The Suicide Squad and the melted ice cream, a lot less appealing was still in it's container on the coffee table. Paul couldn't even remember at what point he fell asleep. He just drifted off without realising.

He tried to pull himself up but Virgil held on to his jumper and burrowed deeper.  Paul twisted and contorted until he got up, all the while Virgil clinging to him like a baby koala. Once free his back felt like he was going to be bent over for life. He hadn't planned to stay all night and groaned at the pile of unfinished work.

Paul couldn't leave him on the couch huddled in his giant hoodie.  Virgil would be upset to find himself alone like that.  He sighed, picked him up and placed him in his bed.  

 He walked out of the building and he turned his face up to the mellow morning light thinking he felt good, really good.   Paul was smiling, a huge smile that light up his eyes and he looked like a different man.


The compound gates were still closed when he arrived back. He planed to have a shower, dress and go to his office to catch up on the working still sitting in his briefcase. Paul wasn't looking forward to see Damien. It wasn't like him but he was still annoyed at his indecisiveness when it came to his father. He had to shake off the feelings Damien was his Alpha, the Lycan Pure Blood who he had vowed before the Goddess to serve and protect...always...above all others. He was worried he was becoming soft, distracted.

His mobile rang.   Speak of the was Damien.

Urgent. Meet me at the hospital ASAP. D

I can be there in 30 min PA

Now D

Paul looked at what he was wearing, who's scent he was heavily covered in. This wasn't going to go down well but there was no time to change, it sounded important.  He pulled his sunglasses out of the glove box and looked in the mirror as he put them on, at least that made him feel a little like his normal self.

The PA drove into the compound and headed for the hospital.

AT the hospital he went to the front desk where Lewis was waiting for him.  His face was grave, he didn't speak. He just lead The PA to the second floor, the end room where two guards stood guard.   Before he opened the door he could hear a woman wailing, terrible pained screams. As he entered the room he saw Damien standing at the window, head bowed, his shoulders shaking, he was crying. The wailing grew louder. It was the Luna, she was leaning over the still form of Damos on the bed. There were no tubes or machinery, just crisp white sheets pulled smooth around his shoulders.

He went to stand beside Damien who was sobbing quietly and put an arm around his shoulder.  The action was natural automatic but for a moment Damien stared and drew back but Paul persisted and pulled him into a bear hug. The Alpha howled, followed by Luna a chorus of shared pain.

Once Damien was able to speak he explained Damos had a stroke in the early hours. He went to the bathroom. He called out but by the time Luna found him he was already unconscious. He never woke up. It was quick.  The doctors send it he wouldn't have suffered.  He just that....Damien snapped his fingers. 

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