This Is My Life

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I have been married to Andrew Addams for six years and working for the BAU for five. Together Andrew and I have a sweet little girl named Grace, but we call her Gracie. She is four years old and the light of our lives.

Andrew and I met in the FBI Academy all those years ago. We were partnered up on an assignment and the rest was history. He became my best friend and the love of my life.

The team and I are family, we all depend on one another. JJ and I had our kids pretty close to one another, they were like cousins. When Hotch brought Jack around the kids, everything felt whole. We all understood what it was like to have this job while having babies at home waiting for us.

Andrew dropped out of the Academy just months before graduating. He decided he wanted to be a police chief instead and help out the 'locals', as he put it. I, of course, supported him, by that time we were engaged to be married. As long as he was happy that's all that mattered. Though, somewhere down the line, he decided the same didn't apply to me. Because I was in the FBI it meant more hours and more money, which I never really cared about, but he most certainly did.

Over the past few years, Andrew had become resentful, insecure, and angry. I understood, I really did. His wife was never home, made more money than him, and stuck to her plan to get her dream job. When I was on a case he'd be home with Grace and then off to work. We were fortunate enough to have my sister around and she would look after Gracie whenever it was needed. It was interesting even though I was in and out of the house Grace still saw me more than she did Andrew.

Andrew had begun gambling a year ago, it's become a bad habit now. At first, it was a small amount, nothing to worry about, but now we're stuck with two years worth of debt to pay off. We've had plenty of conversations on how to go about his newfound addiction, but nothing seemed to help. He just grew angrier the more anxious I got. No matter what was to happen though, we always managed to make things work. For now, life on the home front wasn't doing too well, to say the least, but we were in it together.

Tonight I got called in on a case, I had taken more work on to help pay off our debt. So the team knew to always call me first. Being called first meant I had to prepare all of the information and photos that JJ would have to present. Unfortunately, I made a bit too much noise and Andrew woke up. He stood in the door frame of our bathroom with his arms crossed, watching me get ready.

"Really? Again? You're going to just leave in the middle of the night without a word?"

"Andrew, please. The more work I take on, the more we won't have to worry as much! Once this debt is paid off things will be different!"

"Yeah, sure Y/N. Don't worry about it. I know the truth, you don't care about your real family. So I won't care about you!"

He walked away before I had a chance to respond. He had been more insecure and angry lately, I didn't know why. I figured something was going on and he wasn't telling me. I tried to not take his words to heart, because if I stepped back and examined them, his words were utter bullshit. I huffed and called my sister to have her pick up Grace in the morning. I kissed my sleeping baby girl's forehead and rushed out the door. It was time to go to work.


"Okay J, all the files are compiled and I sent the PowerPoint to Garcia, so we should be good to go and debrief." I smiled, handing her the stack of files.

"Perfect, thanks Y/N/N! This has been a huge help! How's my precious Gracie doing?" JJ said, looking at the picture of Grace that was on my desk.

I giggle, "Aw, she's doing good! She was able to recite the whole alphabet and the teacher gave her a gold star. She hasn't stopped smiling since!"

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