Once A Cheater...

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We sat the kids down and they couldn't stop dancing around, giggling.

"Mommy! Aaron! Tell us, please!" Gracie kicked her feet around.

"Please, Y/n!!! Tell us!" Jack crossed his arms and shook his head, looking like Aaron.

Aaron kisses my cheek, "Go ahead, tell them."

I smile, "Okay, it's a girl!"

The kids smiled and screamed with excitement. I was thrilled to be having another girl. Hotch on the other hand was still shocked. He never imagined himself having a little baby girl. I was excited to see him grow with our little girl. He is already amazing with Grace, I can only imagine how he'll be with our daughter.

I was smiling at the family Aaron and I created but my mind was off in the distance. Everything that happened today was a result of our affair. I think that's something that will always be in the back of my mind, my guilt was gone but my anxiety wasn't. I could lose Grace if Andrew goes through with his threats. I could lose it all in the blink of an eye. God, sometimes I'm my own worst enemy.

"Y/n, earth to Y/n." I hear Aaron chuckle.

"Huh, what?" I shake my head brushing away my negative thoughts.

"The kids were asking, what was for dinner tonight," he smiled at me.

"Oh, I was thinking about pizza! What do you say, kids?" I close my eyes, trying to breathe through my remaining anxiety.

The kids get even more excited, I open my eyes and give my phone to Aaron. "Please order for us, I need to work on my breathing.

"Of course, Honey. Why don't you go lay down? I'll take care of everything tonight." He kissed my forehead and smiled.

I nodded my head and walked towards our room.


Aaron's POV

Y/n went to lay down and I ordered the pizza. We were exhausted from today but Y/n had the brunt of it. I don't want her to get overly stressed. It's not good for her or the baby.

The pizza finally arrived and I went to go get Y/n so she could join us. However, she was peacefully sleeping, so I couldn't wake her up.I smiled and walked back out into the living room. I sat next to the kids on the couch and put on a movie. Y/n's phone was on the table when it started to go off. I picked it up and saw the texts from Andrew:

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers, Y/n! I am going to take her away from you or maybe I should just wait. I mean once a cheater always a cheater, right? So, playhouse while you can. Gracie will be mine soon enough. I'll see you in court."

I set the phone down and took a deep breath. My body was flooded with many emotions, my main one being that Andrew couldn't take Grace away from Y/n. Then there's the once a cheater always a cheater thing...



My eyes flutter open at the sound of our kids giggling and the early morning sun shining on my face. I place my hand on my stomach and smile. Aaron must've been playing with the kids, trying to spend as much time with them as possible.

I walked out of the room, "Aaron, you didn't have to-" I stopped in my tracks, watching Andrew holding Grace and grabbing Jack's hand. He was walking away with an evil grin, "NO! ANDREW, NO..."

I gasped as I sat up straight in bed, the room was dark and I could hardly see anything.

Aaron grabs my hand and turns on the bedside lamp, "Y/n? Honey, are you alright?"

I pant and try to catch my breath, "Oh, thank god, it was just a nightmare. A stupid, terrible nightmare." I clutch my chest and lay back down, "a terrible dream."

Aaron looks at me with so much concern, "take your deep breaths. You're safe..." He turns off the light and pulls me close to his chest.

I closed my eyes and whispered out, "okay."

I fell back to sleep and woke up the next morning feeling rested. I walked into the kitchen and saw the kids running around Aaron as he tried to make breakfast.

I smiled and yawned, "Good morning everyone!"



The kids ran up to me and hugged my legs. I kissed the tops of their heads and walked over to Aaron for some morning kisses. He kisses my forehead and continues with his cooking. The table was already set so I went to the living room, looking for my phone. I was flipping over throw pillows and checking through the seat cushions, getting slightly frustrated.

"Hey, Aaron, honey? Have you seen my phone?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. It's here in the kitchen." He said hesitantly.

"Oh, alright!" I walked into the kitchen and saw it on the counter next to him. I grabbed the phone and went to sit down on the living room couch. I went to text JJ but I noticed Andrew's contact was at the top of my messages. I didn't remember texting him last, I tapped on the message and read. My eyes went wide and my heart stopped.

"Breakfast is ready!" Jack came running into the living room.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I'll be right there sweetie, you all start without me."

I begin to take deep breaths as my panic levels begin to rise. I stand up and place my hands on my growing bump. I remind myself that I have the upper hand, o-or that I will have the upper hand. I take a few more deep breaths and walk to the kitchen table.

"See, there's Mommy!" Aaron points at me with his fork, looking at Gracie as he cuts up bite size pieces of pancake for her.

"I'm right here, baby girl!" I tickle her little cheeks and sit down.

I eat in silence as the kids talk about the time they spent without you. My mind was racing, I wasn't t listening to the kids at all. The thought of Andrew having the upper hand made me sick to my stomach. I tried to remain calm for the sake of the baby and the little family surrounding me. I saw Aaron bore into my gaze, he was trying to speak through his eyes but there was no use. I wasn't about to worry him or the kids.

Aaron sighed and gave me a tight lipped smile, "Y/n, I'll clean up here. You can go get ready for the day, we're going to head to the park today."

I gave him a fake smile, "Oh, that sounds amazing and maybe we could get ice cream after! How does that sound, kids?"

Grace and Jack wiggled happily in their seats and nodded their heads. I walked back into your room and changed for the day. As I brushed out my hair Aaron walked in and hugged me from behind. I let out a deep breath and knew that he read the message.

"What am I going to do?"

"What if I told you, you didn't have to do a thing?" Aaron rubbed your shoulders.

I chuckle and then my eyes begin to water, "I'd say you were lying... I can't lose her, not to him. Not to anyone."

Aaron pulled me over to the bed and had me sit down, "Honey, Derek came to me after he found out that you and I were together. He told me about a note he found the day after Andrew left. He and I have been keeping a close eye on him since. We've even collected some evidence as to why he shouldn't have custody at all."

My jaw dropped, trying to wrap my mind around Aaron's words, "Y-You mean-"

"I mean, there is nothing for you to worry about," Aaron said, kissing my cheek.


Aaron was right, you won the custody battle. So much so that Andrew lost all custody rights. The guys found out that Andrew never gave up on gambling and was involved with a bad crowd. You were so relieved, you were able to never have to worry about losing Grace to Andrew ever again.

When the court made their decision Andrew was infuriated, appalled. He looked at you and Aaron as if you were the devil. However, you made it through and he was held in contempt.

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