Full Heartedly

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Aaron looked so perplexed by you or your temper rather. He put his briefcase and go-bag down, going to the kitchen to grab himself a plate. You didn't pay that much attention to Aaron, you focused on the baby kicking and the kids smiling in front of you. You laughed at the stories they told while eating. You didn't eat at all, you couldn't, you didn't have an appetite and even if you did it wouldn't satisfy your cravings.

After brownie baking and bath time, you tucked the kids into bed. As you tucked Jack in you noticed his slight frown.

"Jack, sweetie, what's wrong?" you sat down on his bed.

"Today at school, my friend Lin said that I don't have a mom," he cried softly.

Your eyebrows furrowed and you caressed his cheeks, "Oh baby boy, you do. You have a wonderful Mom who watches over you every day. You know that. Do you want to talk to her tonight?"

"Not really... Y/n, I told Lin you were my mom I-I hope that's okay," he sniffled.

Your heart melted and your emotions were overflowing, "O-of course that's okay. It would be an honor to be your Mama, sweetie. I love you so much! Do you want me to lay down with you for a little bit?"

He wiped his teary eyes and clung to you, "Please."

You held him tight, letting him pet your belly and ask you questions about the baby. After scratching his back for a few minutes, he fell asleep. You stood up slowly and crept out of the room. You entered your room and saw that Aaron was already in bed, reading. You slipped on a pair of boots and a light jacket.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go get a sandwich. Do you want one?"

He looked at the time, "Uh, no. Are you having a craving?"

"Yeah, she's wanting a big sandwich and some chips," you chuckled and looked down. "Anyways, I'll be back."

Coming back home, the house was silent. The kids were asleep, the dishes were done, and the house was warm; this was home. You ate and headed to bed, feeling full and a bit tense. This situation was stressful, you and the baby didn't like it one bit.

Aaron had already turned off the lights and fallen asleep under the covers. You slowly and quietly changed into your pajamas. When you slid into bed Aaron's arms wrapped around your waist, he was still asleep. You snuggled up to him, allowing yourself the guilty pleasure of holding him.

When you woke up the next morning it was a different story. You opened your eyes and Aaron was staring at you with worry written all over his face.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Honey, what's wrong?"

"T-The other night, I almost kissed another woman..."

Your heart dropped to your stomach and your palms became sweaty.

"Y/n, the other night I was so upset, so confused, I went to the bar and drank way too much. A-and once I realized what I almost did I felt so guilty, I spent the night at a hotel and overslept. When I woke up I ran straight to work. Y/n, I'm sorry for jeopardizing our-"

"Stop, just stop," you got out of bed. You paced for a moment, "and you think your actions, all of this, would make me want to marry you?" You whisper shouted, "You're unbelievable! I was up all night worried about you a-and y-you- Ughhh! Aaron! I can't handle this..." you broke down, this was the last thing you wanted to deal with.

Aaron jumped out of bed and ran over to you, holding you in a tight hug. As if he was about to lose you. He kissed your forehead, "I'm so sorry, honey. I don't want to lose you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jeopardize our relationship like that. I will never ever do something like that again. Please believe me."

"Aaron, get off of me..."

Aaron tucked his head into the crook of your neck, "please, please-"

"Aaron! I mean it!" you pushed him away, feeling something on your leg.

"Babe, you're bleeding!" Aaron became even more distraught.

You tried to dry your teary eyes, knowing you had to focus, "I'm going to go to urgent care, watch the kids please."

You didn't give him room to argue, you left almost immediately. You knew this would happen if you were overly stressed.

As you were at the doctor's office, Aaron was at home in full panic. It was early enough that the kids were still asleep. He was sitting on the couch rubbing his fingers together, bouncing his leg, thinking about all of the 'what ifs,' he felt so, so guilty. Eventually, when the kids did wake up he tried to shake off his worried expression.

"Hey, Dad?" Jack pulled on Aaron's shirt.

Aaron looked down and smiled, "Yeah, Bud?"

Jack furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms, "Where's Mama, she said we would spend time together today. Is she still in bed?"

Aaron's body jolted forward when he heard Jack refer to you as his mama, "Um... she had to go to the doctor to check up on the baby. Did you just call Y/n your Mama?"

"Mhm! She's my Mama and she loves me... Is Y/d/n okay?" Jack frowned.

Aaron tried to smile, "I'm sure she's fine. Why don't we go make french toast?"

"Okay!" Jack smiled and ran towards Grace.

Two hours later you walked through the door and the kids were jumping around thrilled to see you. You, on the other hand, were tired. You were at the doctor's office for so long and you had so many things floating through your mind.

"Hey, babies, Mama is really tired. I'm going to rest for a bit and then we can have a fun day, okay?"

"But mama!" They shout.

"Kids, listen. Remember what I said," Aaron scolded.

"Yes, Dad," Jack looked down at his feet.

"Yes, Aaron," Gracie bit her lip to hide her frown, dragging Jack to the living room.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "What did you tell them?"

"I told them to let you rest when you got home, so what did the doctor say?" Aaron asked, pulling you into the den.

You just sat there and began to cry, it all seemed so overwhelming, "She's fine, I'm fine. The doctor is putting me on bed rest for two weeks. Then I'm supposed to go back in for a few more tests to see if I can be cleared to go back to work. There's an issue with my placenta and, yet again, the stress caused my blood pressure to rise. If it doesn't improve, there's a chance that Y/d/n will be delivered prematurely. "

Aaron held your hand, "Okay, is there anything we need to do during those two weeks? Anything that we can try to prevent that from happening."

You wiped your tears, "I need to stay as stress free as possible, take the medication she prescribed me, and get a lot of rest."

Aaron began to speak, "I'll take some time off and-"

You cut him off, that was the last thing you needed, "No, that's not a good idea. Go to work, I'll have my sister over to help me. And you, you are sleeping on the couch or in here. I don't care but we aren't sharing a bed for the time being."

He frowned and nodded, "A-alright. Whatever you say."

You pull Aaron in by the collar and plant a big kiss on his soft lips.

You shake your head, "Never, ever, think about kissing another woman ever again. Do you understand?"

Aaron, breathless, looks at you and nods, "Never, ever... Honey, I'm so sorry. For everything."

You sniffle, still recovering from your slight breakdown, "I bet you are, you are by no means out of the dog house. You need to think about what you want and what you expect. Then, we can have a calm discussion later, don't you agree?"

"Full heartedly," he nodded slowly.

You take a deep breath and walk into your bedroom. You didn't want to tell Aaron that having him at home would make your condition worse. He was the root of your stress at the moment. You had to think about the possible kiss, the ultimatum, and his overall demeanor involving the situation. You weren't going to lose Aaron over this but you weren't going to stand for his behavior.

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