Piano Man

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We were able to finish the case a day and a half later. My hormones had balanced themselves out a bit and I was back on my 'A-game. We were all relieved to be going back home. Florida was too hot and it was already September. A state should never be this hot.

However, before we left Penny dragged us all to a karaoke bar.

Aaron's POV

The team and I walk into the bar and it's packed. Y/n and I agreed that she'd get mocktails throughout the night. We were nowhere near ready to tell the team about the pregnancy and we knew JJ could keep a secret.

After a while and we've all had a few drinks in us, I decided to sign Dave up to sing Piano man. Unlike myself, none of the team has heard him sing before.

"Next up, David Rossi," the hostess called out.

David turns on his heels and scowls at me, "You set me up, Aaron!"

"I believe she said next up is David Rossi," I said softly, raising my eyebrows.

Y/n and I try to stifle our laughs.

"Fine! But I'm not doing this without my backup singers! Y/n, Penelope, all of you get up here!" He shouts walking up onto the stage.

Y/n is the first to join him on stage and the rest follow suit. I stayed behind, I wanted to capture this historical drunken moment.

I took out my phone and faced the camera towards me, "Hey little one! Your Mama and all of your Aunties and Uncles are being really silly. They are about to sing and might I say your mom is looking beautiful."

As they start to sing I turn the camera back around and point at the team, laughing. I filmed them singing the whole song, they could barely hold a note which made it that much better. They really are my family.

Y/n and the team get off of the stage, their voices all strained.

I chuckled, "Bravo, bravo. I especially liked Garcia's EMC skills."

David and Y/n walk up to me laughing. Y/n wraps her arm around my neck and kisses me on the cheek. Dave smiles at us and cocks his eyebrow.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"What?" I say, and Y/n stops kissing me.

She turns around slowly, "Why would you say that?"

"The bathroom breaks, the puke, and you're not drunk at all but you've had four drinks. You're usually done for after two and a half, and that's on a good day," he smiles and rolls his eyes.

Y/n and I look at each other, not knowing what to say.

Y/n giggles, "Are you drunk, Rossi?"

"Ah, ah, ah, Bella! Don't you dare try to play that game with me. Do I need to repeat myself?" He looks down at her and raises his brows, testing her.

"No, you don't. So..." Y/n nudges me.

I clear my throat, "Yes, we're expecting. Please keep this to yourself for right now."

"Awe, you two have nothing to worry about with Uncle Dave. I just require some cigars and the label of godfather and I'll be happy," he grins at us.

Y/n laughs, "Deal!"

"I can agree to those terms," I chuckle.

"Congratulations, you two. You'll be amazing together," he pats my shoulder.

Y/n smiles and hugs me while looking at Dave, "We think so too. Now, let's go to the hotel and then home! I have a bath calling my name."

"You also have construction starting at the house in two weeks," I say to her, looking into her beautiful y/e/c eyes.

"Really!?! You're good Hotchner, too good." She kisses me all over my face.


Y/n pushes me through the hotel door and laughs through our kiss. I push her up against the door and it clicks shut. She grabs my collar and pushes me off of her. I look at her confused but then she pushes me back onto the bed. I love this woman.

Y/n crawls towards me and straddles my leg, "Aaron, tonight is your night. Do you understand?"

"Uh-huh," I shudder, I love my nights.

"Words, baby," She smirks and kisses down my neck.

I nod quickly, "I understand."

Y/n begins to palm my crotch and I moan. She starts to move her body down but then-

Y/n runs into the restroom and closes the door. I sighed, I felt bad for her, I was worried and at the same time extremely horny. I had to somehow shake off my arousal and I walked to the bathroom door.

I knock, "Hey babe, you okay? Open the door."

I hear her vomiting, "Y/n, where's your medicine? Let me help honey."

"In my go bag on one of the side pockets," she says before puking again.

I get her go bag and begin to search the pockets for her nausea pills. When I found them I smiled, but that smile quickly faded. Her wedding ring? Her wedding ring. I thought she left it... I thought we got rid of it.

Don't be ridiculous Hotchner, she's with you. She's having your baby.

A baby that was an accident.

I stand up straight and knock on the bathroom door again, "Here Y/n, I'm leaving it by the door."

I put her medicine down and walked out of the room.

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