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About three days later we had found our unsub but he was holding his next victim hostage. We had set up around the SUV's waiting for Hotch's command but then the unexpected happened. Emily was tightening my vest when her head slowly lifted up and watched something.

"Em, what are you-" Then I see it, Aaron is walking into the building with no vest on and no backup. My heart sank.

"Y/n, hey, Y/n. Look at me," her words were muffled.

"W-What is he doing! Rossi? WHAT IS HE DOING?" I yelled, getting ready to go after him.

Rossi walks over to me and pulls me back from leaving, "Y/n/n, stay back. He ordered me to have us stay back. This should be an easy take down. Aaron will be fine."

"This should be an easy take down? David Rossi, you know better than any of us, not only is he risking his own life he's risking the victims as well!" Unbeknownst to myself, tears began to fall from my eyes.

Morgan came forward and held me, "Rossi at least let one of us go in there."

"Listen, Aaron is our team-" Rossi was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.

I stopped breathing, my anxiety began to rise. I was choking on my own tears, "No! Someone go in there, now!"

No one was moving, they were all in shock, "Fine, then I'm going in."

I walked away from the team, my hands shaking and my heart barely beating. I saw nothing but red. Walking into the building I heard nothing but my shoes clicking along the concrete floor and my heartbeat increasing. Then as I rounded a corner I heard sobbing and Hotch talking.

"It's okay, you're safe."

I was relieved to hear his voice, then he spoke into his coms and told the team to come and apprehend the unsub. I assume Rossi told him I went in because he began to call out for me.

I walked into the open area and saw that the only one physically hurt was the unsub. He had a bullet wound in his arm and a smile on his face. I slapped his grin and cuffed him. Without saying a word to Hotch I walk the unsub out of the building and hand him to the police officers.

I was stoic, the team couldn't read me and I wouldn't let them. As I reached the SUV's I walked past everyone, taking off my vest and throwing it into the trunk. I texted my sister to update me on the kids, I needed to get my mind off of Hotch's recklessness.

My sister assured me everything was fine and that I didn't need to worry. The baby was pressing down on my bladder and I felt like I was going to puke. My body felt itchy and my boobs felt like they were growing by the second, I was feeling so uncomfortable in my body at the moment.

I pull Emily to the side, "Em, you guys have to go on without me. My body is so sore and I feel really sick right now. I'm going to go back to the hotel."

She held my arm, "O-Okay, do you want me to come with you?"

I took a deep breath, trying to push down the nausea, "I'll be okay but I need to be in bed right now. I really thought the second baby was supposed to be easier."

She gives me a quick nod and hug, "Let me know if you need anything, take one of the SUVs."

"I plan on it," I rush over to the car and start my journey.


Aaron's POV

I watch Y/n talking to Prentiss and then make her way to one of the SUVs. She sped off, was she really that mad? Did I really mess up big time, no I did exactly what I would do as the unit chief. That's what I was supposed to do, not the ladder. If she was upset with me for doing my job then so be it but she can't act so immature, maybe the pregnancy makes it worse. I wanted to make the rest of our stay here memorable. I shake my head and sigh at the woman I love leaving me behind without a word.

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