Think about this...

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The week was finally over, Aaron and I found out the gender of the baby and couldn't be happier. Jack has been begging us to tell him the gender but we promised Grace that we would wait to tell. I was able to hide my bump from Andrew, that would be a conversation for another day. And like Aaron said he joined us at the ice cream shop but waited in the car.

Aaron and I were at work, we had stayed late because there had been an increase of paperwork. It was about seven-thirty and I was fading, Aaron was still going strong. All of a sudden I heard Aaron.

"Hey little one, look at your Mommy. I think I should take her home to get some rest, hmm?"

I groaned, "Aaron, don't film me now, I look terrible..."

He teases me, "Aweee, the poor thing. You look amazing and look at that beautiful belly."

"Aaron Hotchner! I swear you- wait, bring the camera here!" My eyes went wide, I felt movement in my stomach.

"W-why?" He looked confused.

I smiled wide, "I think our little one might've tried to kick!"

Aaron rushes over to my belly with his phone at the ready, "Okay, little one it's your time to shine."

Aaron and I stared at my stomach just waiting and finally, it looked like my stomach hiccupped.

"Did you get that? Did you see it?" I asked him with so much excitement I thought I would burst.

"You know I think it was just faint enough... let's check the video," Aaron kissed my hand.

We play the video back and see the smallest little jump in my stomach.

Aaron smiles, "Yup, that was definitely our little one."

I started to laugh, "God we're ridiculous, I love you!"

He started laughing with me, "who would've thought a year ago we'd be here?"

Our laughter dies down and I smile, "none of us did but I know I've never smiled more in my life."

"Me either," he kisses my forehead.

I sigh and roll my shoulders, "We should go home though. Grace comes back tomorrow and I have to speak to Andrew."

Aaron's eyebrows furrow, he always gets a bit possessive when talking about Andrew, "What do you have to speak to him about?"

I close my eyes and massage my temples, "Just to go over our schedules and I'm thinking of telling him about the pregnancy, I don't know."

Aaron stands up and begins to gather his things, "Oh? Don't you think that would cause another episode? I mean given the fact that you were still 'married' when our ball of joy was conceived."

I take in a nervous breath, "he's going to find out that we're having a baby eventually. I don't want that drama... we've had enough of that."

Aaron nodded in agreement and understanding. We went home and sent the babysitter away. Together we walked into Jack's now finished room and kissed his head goodnight. Aaron took some time just to watch Jack sleeping. They've been through so much...

Have I brought too much drama into his life?


Aaron and I walked into work the next morning, I was already stressed. Andrew would be dropping Grace off at the office. I wasn't looking forward to talking to him.

I sat down at my desk and smiled at Aaron, "I'll see you later."

"That you will," he winked and ambled up to his office.

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