She Has Mixed Feelings

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I walked up to the front door of my sister's place and knocked. I was nervous about telling her about my pregnancy. She has always been my biggest supporter, but I knew this would come as a shock.

"Hey, Gracie! Hey, Sis!" I smiled, walking into her house.

"Mama!" Gracie ran up to me.

"Hey, Y/n/n," my sister said from the couch.

"Gracie, Go grab your bag and a few toys, I have to speak to Aunty for a minute." I plopped down on the couch next to my sister.

"OoOkay!" She groaned.

My sister looked at me with concern, "What's going on, Y/n?"

I told my sister everything, she really was shocked. I was scared she would be disappointed in me, but she was ecstatic. She was a kindergarten teacher; therefore, she loved kids. Aaron had met my sister before and she was so proud that I 'bagged' him. We laughed and cried, these past few months have been insane. Grace and I made our way home, when I pulled into the driveway Aaron's car was already there.

I smiled, "Gracie, Uncle Aaron and Jack are going to be hanging out with us tonight."

"Really!?!" She shouted.

I laughed, "Yeah, honey, really."

She and I got out of the car, Aaron and Jack did the same.

"Hello, you two!" I said, walking over to the boys.

"Hi, Aunty Y/n! Hi, Gracie!" Jack ran up to Gracie and hugged her.

"Hi!" Gracie waved to Aaron and Jack.

"Hey, little angel. Hey, Y/n/n," Aaron gave you a hug.

I could tell Aaron wanted to kiss me, it made me blush. I led us into the house, and put our bags down.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper.

"I'm okay right now, I'm wanting a cheeseburger, really bad!" I gave him a sheepish smile.

He clapped his hands together, "That's what we're having for dinner then!"

"You're the best... So, I told my sister everything." I said, getting a bottle of water.

"Everything?" Aaron followed me into the kitchen and grabbed a snack.

"Mhmm, she is very happy for us," I took off my shoes and rubbed my neck.

"That's great, one less thing to worry about. I told Jessica, not everything, but I told her. She has mixed feelings," he shrugged.

"That's understandable, it must be weird for her," I walked to his side and hugged him.

"Yeah, ugh, I don't care! I'm so happy right now." He held me tighter.

I chuckled, resting my head on his shoulder."Me too, Babe. Me too. Should we talk to the kids?"

He sighed, "There's no better time than now."

I held his hand and walked into the living room. We sat next to each other on the couch and called the kids into the room.

"Jack, Grace, can you come here for a minute please," I called towards the playroom.

"Yeah!" Gracie's voice squeaked.

The kids walked into the living room, sat in front of us on the floor, and Aaron started. "Okay, so, Aunty Y/n and I have started to hang out a lot more."

"Uh-huh..." Jack nodded.

"We like, like each other." I giggled.

"Really?" Gracie looked at me with a huge grin.

"Yeah, really. Gracie, do you remember what I told you about love?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Yes, you stay together a lot and you put that p-person first," she tries to remember.

Jack smiled, tapping his finger on his chin, "So, you guys like like each other? YAY!"

Grace laughs, "Does that mean me and Jack can have more playdates?"

Aaron smiled at my little girl, "Yes, and you won't be calling us Aunty or Uncle anymore either. Grace, you can just call me Aaron."

I nodded "Jack, you can just call me Y/n."

The kids giggled and said, "Okay!"

Aaron smiled at me and then the kids, "Let's go get some dinner, Y/n is hungry and I bet you guys are too."

I walked into the kitchen to grab my shoes, I felt my energy being depleted. I overheard Grace talking to Aaron and it made my heart melt.

"Um, A-Aaron?" Gracie stuttered out.

"Yeah, Grace?"

"Be nice to Mama, otay?"

"I promise I will. Now, let's go get Mama some dinner."


I walked back into the living room, "Alright everyone let's go! This mama needs to eat." I winked at Aaron.

We piled into the car and Aaron drove us to a local diner. As soon as we walked into the diner the smell that wafted into my nose caused me to want to hurl.

I looked at Aaron and frowned, "I'm going to hurl if we stay here another minute."

He rubbed my back, "Okay, Is it the food or the smell?"

"Ahh, the smell," I stuck my tongue out.

Aaron kisses my forehead, "I'll place our order and we can go eat it at the park. Okay?"

"That's perfect!" I smiled. 

Later on that night I tucked in Jack and Grace, Aaron decided that they were going to sleep over. I have to admit, it made me nervous, our lives have already begun to change. Aaron climbed into bed and pulled me close to his body.

He ran his finger across my stomach, "Y/n?"

"Hmm?" I hummed, taking in his scent.

He laid his head on my chest, "What are your thoughts about marriage?"

I sit up, with my back on the headboard. "Aaron, I love you and I know we are going to be having a baby together. However, I am nowhere near ready to get married. I just got divorced, I-I can't jump-"

"Y/n, breathe. I'm not asking you to marry me, at least not yet. I just wanted to know if you'd ever consider getting married again," he tried to soothe my panic.

I sighed, "Oh, um, maybe... I would want all my ducks in a row first. You know?"

He nods, "Yeah, I mean we can't even share our relationship yet and-"

I interrupted him, "And the biggest one being our living situation. I know that I'm not having another child of mine live in a split household."

"I agree, I don't think I could spend a minute away from either of you. We'll figure it out, first things first, we need to tell Strauss," I couldn't see him but I knew he rolled his eyes.

I chuckled and scoffed, "Ugh! We were having such a nice moment."

"It'll be fine. Now, get some rest, we have a busy week." He kisses my forehead.

We lay back down and I cuddled into his chest slowly falling asleep.

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