It Happened So Fast

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I woke up the next morning feeling very satisfied. The spot next to me was cold, Aaron wasn't there. I walked into the master bathroom to see if he was in there and he wasn't. Then, I heard whispering coming from the hallway.

Aaron tried to whisper, "Okay you guys you have to be quiet when you open the door. She won't be surprised if we wake her up now."

"Otay!" Gracie giggles.

"Can we bring it now?" I hear Jack's little voice.

"Yes, just wake her up nicely."

I quickly shuffle back into bed and pretend to be asleep as I hear the bedroom door open.

Grace climbed onto the bed, "Mama?"

Jack walks up to me and pokes my cheek, "Y/n?"

I flutter my eyes open, "Hmm? Oh good morning you two! What do we have here?"

"We made breakfast in bed for you, Daddy only helped a little," Jack pinched his thumb and finger together.

"Awe, Jack, Grace. I love it, thank you!" I hugged them tightly.

"And thank you," I leaned up and gave Aaron a peck on his lips.

The kids squeal, "Ewwww"

Aaron chuckled, "Okay, you guys go get ready. Aunty JJ is going to be here soon."

The kids scurry out of the room and I look at Aaron confused, "What's going on?"

"JJ is going to take all the kids for the day. She said something about a movie and the park," he smiled.

"That's a lot of kids!" I say, taking a bite of eggs.

"It is, but it gives you and I some time to sort some things out. Not to mention I get the whole day to make you scream my name," he leans forward and pinches my butt.

"Aaron! You are crazy, you know that?" I giggled and pulled him in for a hug and a few kisses.

He shrugs and laughs, "I'm just taking a page from your book."


The kids left and it was just me and Aaron in the house. I was feeling a bit nauseous so we cuddled up in bed.

Aaron was rubbing my back and said, "So, our living situation?"

"Our living situation..." I let out a heavy sigh, "Well, you live in an apartment and I only have two bedrooms here."

"We could always look for another property," he said, trying to think of our options.

I shook my head 'no', "Babe, I just put a chunk of money into this place. I would lose money selling it now."

"Hmm..." He taps his chin, thinking he's funny. "What if we get a construction crew in here and add two extra rooms?"

I hummed, "I like that idea, but how much do you think it'll set me back, cost wise?"

"Absolutely nothing, I'll take care of it," he squeezed me tight and kissed my neck.

I sat up, "What? Aaron, you can't do that! At the very least, let's split the cost."

He sat up along with me and shook his head, "I can and I will. You deserve it. I will call a company today and get the project started by next week. When would you feel comfortable with us moving in?"

I sighed and laid back down, how did I get so lucky? "Um, probably a month and a half from now. That way the kids have more time to get used to everything and we'll be able to introduce the thought of a little brother or sister..."

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