The Ice Cream Shop

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The sound of my alarm woke me up and dragged me out of bed. Aaron was sleeping like a rock, the alarm didn't wake him up. He was emotionally drained, he hadn't released his emotions in quite some time. I decided to let him sleep in; I got ready for work, whipped up some coffee and breakfast, and woke up Aaron. The team had the day off but Aaron being the unit chief still had responsibilities to tend to.

"Good morning, baby. I have coffee and breakfast on the table for you once you're dressed."

He rubs his eyes and temple, "Mmm, good morning. What time is it? I feel like I've slept for days."

I chuckle, "you've had a long couple of days. It's seven, plenty of time for you to get dressed and eat."

Aaron sat up quickly, "What? I was supposed to go in early today. I have several meetings and I wanted to-"

"Aaron, I texted David and he is going to take care of the extra paperwork you have. So, get dressed and have breakfast with me." I pull one of his suits out of the closets.

He shook his head, looking overwhelmed, "Well, what about the move?"

"If you don't mind, my sister and Penelope offered to help me take care of it. Let us?" I put my hands together begging him.

He got out of bed, walking to the restroom seeming confused, "You figured this all out? For me?"

I giggle, "Of course, I like to take care of you when I can. So, let us?"

He said still in disbelief, "If you get Reid and Morgan to help too then I don't see why not..."

I smiled, "Great!"

Aaron got ready and enjoyed a swift breakfast with me. Once he left for work I called the guys and got them to help me. Aaron was worried about me lifting boxes. I was given many kisses this morning too, something about me treating him so well.


Aaron's POV

I had just stepped out of my last meeting. I was about to call Y/n to see how things were going but I didn't have to. She was sitting in my office, smiling from ear to ear. Just seeing her made my day better.

"Honey, what are you doing here?"

She giggled from excitement, "Well, Mr.Hotchner you and Jack are all moved into the house, our house."

I smiled and leaned down to kiss her, "I can't wait to go home. Thank you for everything you do for me, for our family."

"I'd do it a million times over. You, sir, are my person, my everything... you have the best of me." She gave me a kiss that could've led to more if we weren't interrupted by our little one. Y/n had to pee almost immediately.

She walked back into the room and asked, "when do you think you'll be done here?"

I raised my eyebrows, "David's doing the paperwork right?"

Y/n smirks, "That's correct, sir."

"Well then, let's go home." I smiled and gave her butt a little spank.

"We have two hours before the kids come home. I suggest we use it wisely," she swayed her hips walking out of my office.

I quickly packed up my things and rushed after her.

I followed Y/n home, ready for whatever my horny, pregnant girlfriend had planned. I walk through the door trying to calm my erection but I slowly stop in my tracks when I see what Y/n had done. She perfectly blended the house with a mixture of our things. It really looked and felt like it was my home too. I'm so in love with this woman.

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