One Percent

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The team and I spent the day working and investigating, in my head the case didn't even matter. When we finished for the day it was time to go to the hotel. We had to double up with our hotel rooms. I grabbed JJ and decided to room with her. I was freaking out, I tried to keep my distance from Aaron, which wasn't unusual when we were on cases.

JJ and I walked into our room and I threw myself onto the bed. JJ plopped down next to me and turned her head towards me.

"Y/n... is there a chance you're pregnant? And what's this about a mystery man?"

"JJ, I'm on birth control and we used a condom... most of the time." I sighed.

"Maybe you're a one-percenter?" She cocked her brow.

"God, no!" I grunted out.

"So, when did you meet him? It's been a month since the divorce. Not that I'm judging because I'm not!" She fanned her hands out.

"I met him a while ago, but we didn't start anything until recently," I lied, no one needed to know.

"I'm going to go buy you a few tests. I'll be back, everything is going to be okay, Y/n." She squeezes my hand and walks out of the room.

My phone buzzes

Aaron Hotchner

Hey honey, is everything alright? You didn't seem all that focused today. Is it about Gracie?

Y/n Y/l/n

I don't really want to talk about it. It's just been a long day.

Aaron Hotchner

You know I'm here for you whenever you need to talk.

If I am pregnant it would have to be from that quickie in Chicago. We can't have a baby together, I mean technically we could, but we've had to hide our relationship because of my marriage and the fact that he's my boss. God, listen to me, I never thought that I would be in this situation! I could possibly be carrying Aaron Hotchner's child.

Ten minutes later JJ arrived and pulled out three boxes, "I know it's a lot but we need to be sure."

I chug down a bottle of water that she had bought, "Okay, let's do this... or we can not and pretend everything's fine."

"Y/n, go pee on the sticks!" JJ shouted.

A few minutes later I line up the tests on the counter. JJ walked into the bathroom and we sat on the floor. I start the timer and hold onto her hand, tight.

"I hate that I'm asking this, but it couldn't be Andrew's could it?" She clenched her teeth.

"Oh, HELL no! That man disgusts me now and the last time we slept together was well before that ball." I think about him calling me a whore.

JJ snickers, "Ha! Good!"

Five minutes began to feel like five hours. I started to tap my finger on my knee, I was thinking of all of the possible outcomes. He could hate me, he could leave, he could be happy and want to move fast. I'm nowhere near getting married again, hell, do I want to get married again? I just need to breathe, there's a big chance that I'm not pregnant. It's going to be fine.

The timer rings causing me to jump, JJ rubs my back and stands up, "Do you want me to look first or..."

"I want you to give me the verdict," I nod.

"Okay," JJ turns around and looks at all of the sticks. "Okay. You are a one-percenter, Y/n. Every test is positive."

I stood up and looked on the counter, my head was spinning, and I rushed to the toilet spilling my guts out. I feel JJ behind me holding up my hair.

I couldn't tell if it was from nerves or pregnancy...


Sure enough, it was the pregnancy because the next morning I was back in the bathroom with my head in the toilet. Do I want this baby? We had to go to the station and it took every ounce of my energy to get out of the hotel. I thought the second pregnancy was supposed to be easier. I need to figure out what I'm going to do. How am I going to look at Aaron all day?

JJ had bought me some ginger ale, "Are you sure you can go in today?"

"Jay, I can not let the team know I'm pregnant. Once we get home I'll visit the doctor, I promise." I sighed.

She sighs and grabs my purse, "Okay, let's get going then."

We walked out of the hotel lobby and got into one of the SUV's, Derek was driving, my stomach was going to be done for if he drove as usual. The car started down the road and I tried to breathe the nausea away. 

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