Outside Now!

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Derek JJ, Emily, and I were trying to stifle our laughter, Aaron and David were arguing like an old married couple. Reid was trying to act as a counselor, it was so juvenile. I couldn't help it and let out a snort.

"Y/l/n!" Aaron shouted.

"Wait..." Emily gripped her chair and looked at Morgan.

"O-Oh. My. God!" Derek's mouth gaped, eyebrows rose, and he rubbed his hands together.

"What?" I look at the two of them.

I looked at Emily and Morgan in confusion. Then, they looked between Aaron and me. My eyes went wide as I realized what was happening. They made the realization that my mystery man was Hotch just by his voice.

"No! Both of you, outside, now!" I stood up and walked outside.

"You sly dog! I thought I saw Hotch's car!" Morgan laughed.

"I can't believe you and Hotch!" Emily's mouth gaped.

"I am begging you with all that I have right now to keep your mouth shut." I hold my hands together, pleading with them.

"Come on! You're telling me JJ doesn't know?" Emily chuckles.

I scoff and shook my head, "No, she doesn't and neither should you! Please, I really need you guys to keep this on the down-low."

"Okay, you got it, Y/n/n. Don't stress." Em rubs my shoulder.

"Your secret is safe with us, Mama," Derek gave me a wink and his flashy smile.

We walk back inside and sit back down, "Is everything okay you three."

"Everything is good, Hotch," Morgan says.

Em nods, "No complaints here!"

I just nodded, I hoped this case would be over soon. I sat up straight and got back to work, the more I focused the faster we could get home.


Later on that night I was elated, we were packing up to go home. Reid and JJ really carried the team on this one. It seemed like we were all off, even Penny.

I decided to text Aaron:

To: Aaron Hotchner

They know, Emily and Derek know that it was you at the house the other night.

To: Y/n Y/l/n

What? How?

To: Aaron Hotchner

Remember how you shouted my last name at the house the other night? When you shouted my last name today, it clicked in their heads. They recognized your voice.

To: Y/n Y/l/n

What did you tell them?

To: Aaron Hotchner

I told them to shut up and keep it to themselves. When are we heading to the plane?

JJ walked into the hotel room. "Ooo, are you texting your mystery man? Are you going to tell him?"

"Ha.Ha. I was texting Hotch to see when we were leaving," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh, so boring! We have an hour before take-off." She smiles.

I bit my lip and laughed, "Thank god!"

"So, how are you feeling today?" She began to pack her bag.

"Much better than this morning!" I followed her lead and started packing my bag too.

"What was going on with Derek and Em today?" JJ asked, folding her slacks.

I stopped packing, "Um, they found out who my m-mystery man was..."

"What!? How? So not fair!" She threw her slacks at me.

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Okay, please don't freak out on me... It's Aar-Hotchner. My mystery man is our boss."

JJ's jaw dropped, "WHAT?!?! I'm more upset that you didn't tell me sooner!"

"Surprise?" I laughed.

All of a sudden her eyes went wide, "Wait! That means that y-your carrying-"

I nodded, "Yes, I'm carrying his baby."

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