What did you say?

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Hotch and I had been sleeping with each other for about two months now. I was so infatuated. We had gone away together for a weekend and Aaron had told me that he wanted us to have a relationship outside of the bedroom. I was happy, to say the least. Tonight Jack and Aaron were coming over for dinner. I still hadn't heard from Andrew and I had no idea where he had gone. It was funny, neither I nor Hotch planned tonight's dinner. The kids asked to have a playdate and this worked best with our schedules.

"Gracie! Come downstairs, help Mama set the table," I shouted from the dining room.

"Coming!" she said, coming out of her playroom.

I was whipping up spaghetti and meatballs. My child was picky and I didn't want Jack to have to eat something he didn't like. I was nervous, I had some news to share with Aaron. My thoughts were interrupted by little knocks on my front door.

"Hello? Oh hi, Hotch! Have you seen Jack? He's supposed to be coming over for dinner and a movie tonight!" I say, pretending I didn't see Jack.

"Aunty! I'm right here!" He waves his arms.

"Jack, where are you?" I look around my porch.

"Aunty Y/n!" He grabs onto my leg.

"Oh, there you are! I missed you silly!" I tickled him a little.

Jack laughs and runs over to Grace. I hug Aaron, hello and Aaron quickly grabs my ass.

"Aaron!" I whisper.

"Y/n!" He mocks.

I glare at him and walk into the kitchen, he follows behind me.

"What's for dinner tonight Chef?" He rubs his palms together.

"Spaghetti and Meatballs! And I grabbed a bottle of red wine for you and me to have a glass with dinner. I even made dessert!" I smile, excited for the meal.

"Oh really?" He tilts his head slightly and smiles.

"Mhmm, vanilla bean ice cream and peach cobbler." I began reheating the pasta.

Aaron chuckled, "Wow, should I tell Rossi to watch his back? Also, do you know how amazing you are?"

"Please do! I am very fortunate, I have someone who reminds me that I'm amazing at least every other day," I winked at him.

He leaned into me, "I wish I could kiss you right now."

I sighed, "About that... I have to tell you something."

Just then the kids ran in and started to play tag around us.

"Woah, kids! How about you two go clean up for dinner and then sit down at the table. Aunt Y/n has made a nice dinner so hurry up!" Aaron said, just staring at me, stoic as ever.

"Yup! Let's go, let's go!" I took the kids to the restroom.

We walked back in and Aaron was pouring wine into our glasses. I smiled at the site, I'll tell him as soon as dinner is done. We all sit down at the dinner table and dig in. Luckily Jack loved the food and so did Aaron. Once the kids finished I took the dirty plates to the sink and began preparing dessert. Aaron stayed with the kids making corny dad jokes.

"Okay my loyal subject's dessert is served!" they all oohed and awed.

"Mama! You are a fairy princess! So yummy!" Grace dug into her bowl.

"I agree Grace, so yummy!" Aaron winks at me.

My mouth falls to the floor, "U-Uh, thank you, Gracie! I know it's your favorite."

After two glasses of wine and everyone finishing their dessert, I collect all the dishes and lead everyone out to the living room. I let the kids go through the movie selection as I head back to the kitchen to clean. I start washing the pots and pans when I feel Aaron slip his arms around my waist.

"You're playing a very dangerous game, Hotchner," I chuckle.

He whispers in my ear, "Tell me, what's going on?"

I turn off the faucet and turn around to face Aaron, I push him away to create space between us. I take a deep breath.

"I have something I would like to tell you. I'm taking a leap of faith, which you know I don't do too often. I need you to not read too much into it."

He furrows his brows, "Baby, what's going on?"

"The week we came back from Astoria I filed for divorce. I did it for me, I did it for my daughter. I didn't want you to think I did this because of the affair. It was just finalized last night, seeing as Andrew just ran I was able to pull some strings to get it expedited." My eyebrows furrow and I bite my lip waiting for a response.

Aaron stares into my eyes, he's shocked I can read it. Shoot I shouldn't have told him! He's gonna lose interest now, right? It won't be some steamy affair anymore.

"Are you happy?" He asked, not giving me a hint as to how he felt.

"Huh?" I asked, making sure I heard him right.

"Are you happy? He repeated.

I nodded, "Extremely, I have already started to look for a new place to live. One by the school and headquarters."

"Does Gracie know yet?" Again he asks emotionlessly.

"N-No, not yet. I wanted her to enjoy tonight... Say something, please." I let out a nervous breath.

He smiled lightly, "I'm proud of you. I'm happy that you're happy. What made you do it?"

"Well, I had gained some confidence that weekend. I realized that I deserved so much more than the life I was living. I paid off the debt as a parting gift and sent out the papers. From now on I'm living the life I want to live. If that means falling for my boss or just coming home debt-free and having a glass of wine." I smiled and shook my head, I was finally free.

"If the kids weren't here I'd kiss you and take you right here on the kitchen counter. I really am proud of you, baby. What do you say we go watch the movie the kids put on?" He kissed my forehead and dragged me into the living room, not giving me a chance to respond.

Aaron sat next to me on the couch, Jack leaned against my arm, and Gracie was curled up into a ball on my lap. This was nice, I truly fel- wait... I told Aaron I was falling for him! Shit! He didn't respond. UGH, good going Y/n!

The movie finished and the kids were knocked out. I was going crazy inside and Aaron looked calm, cool, and collected. I picked up Gracie and tucked her into bed. I walked back into the living room and Aaron had Jack cradled.

"Here let me get the door for you." I chuckle and open the front door. I walk over to his car and open the door to the backseat. Aaron puts Jack down in his seat and shuts the door. Aaron turns to me and smiles.

"Thank you for tonight, Agent Y/L/N." Aaron smiles.

"Goodnight, Aaron. Go put that boy to bed!" I lean in for a quick hug.

He pulls me in close and whispers in my ear, "I'm falling for you too."

I pull my head off of his shoulder, "What? What did you just say?"

"Y/n, I heard you. I listen when you speak and I mean it. I'm falling for you too."

I look into the car to make sure Jack is still sleeping and I give Aaron a slow sweet kiss. He kisses me back with passion. The past two months were filled with sex, passion, and lust. We were having fun and it was thrilling sneaking around. There were moments here and there where we would just stare at each other and smile. We've been having more and more of those sweet moments.

"I wish I could wake up tomorrow with you in my arms." I hugged him and breathed in his cologne.

"Someday soon, very soon." He pecked my lips and said goodnight.

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