Nervous Breakdown

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"What's going on?" Penelope asked, she hadn't been notified about a case.

"Agent Y/l/n and I have something to discuss with you all," Aaron said, looking across the whole team.

Rossi raised his eyebrows, "Is everything okay?"

I gave him a soft smile, "We've been instructed by Strauss to inform you all of our relationship."

Emily chuckled, "About time..."

"Oh thank god! I couldn't keep my mouth shut much longer!" Penelope shouted, she must've hacked my phone.

Morgan clapped, "Atta girl!"

Reid was shocked, "So, did everyone know?"

I stuttered out, "I-I guess so. She also wanted us to inform you that if you notice any favoritism, you are to report it to her."

Aaron nods in agreement and hides his happiness, "Is that understood? Truthfully, we hope you let us know if you notice it. Y/n and I want to keep our work lives as professional as possible."

"I think you guys will be just fine," JJ smiles.

"Anything else?" Emily is grinning.

"Nope, that's everything!" I smile, hoping to get off my feet soon.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Penny stood up and hugged us both.

"Best couple yet..." Reid bumped my fist.

"I'd have to agree," Rossi smiled at the two of us.

The team leaves the conference room leaving me, Aaron, and Rossi still in the room.

Rossi chuckled, "You know, I haven't seen either of you this happy. I'm just surprised that you two are so close and it only took a month."

Aaron gave Rossi a tight lipped smile, "Well, Dave, we've known each other for five years. It just made sense-"

Rossi slowly closed his eyes and cut Aaron off, "Look, I'm not going to sugar coat it. I know... I know it's been much longer than a month."

My eyes went wide and I went into panic mode, "Ross-"

"No Bella, I don't want you to worry. You're talking to a savant in this field... just, take things slow. The excitement of an affair eventually fades away." Rossi walks slowly out of the conference room.

"Um..." Aaron cleared his throat.

"Yeeeaahh..." I drawled out, feeling awkward.

"Well, the 'taking things slow' part is out of the question," Aaron chuckled.

I smack my lips together, I started to feel insecure, "No kidding. I'm gonna go back to my desk."

Aaron looked down at me and tried to give me a smile, "See you later?"

"Yeah, definitely," I looked down at the ground and left the room.

My mind was racing, was the excitement still there? Did it already leave? Is that all this has been? The thrill of the forbidden, a quick screw, a 'fairytale'?

No, Aaron said he wouldn't leave me, but was that just because of the baby? Oh god, the nausea is back.


I was packing up my things at the end of the day, I was ready for a shower. I had to pick up Grace, drop her off at piano practice, go grocery shopping, pick up Grace again, and then get dinner going. I was just a little stressed.

Emily asked, walking towards my desk, "Hey Y/n/n! Are you ready?"

I looked up from my desk, "Huh? What for?"

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