Special Angel

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Y/n was back home safe and sound, by then it was the weekend and we were both able to stay home. Jack and I stayed at Y/n's house. Y/n was ready to introduce the kids to the idea of having a shared brother or sister. Today was the day:

Y/n and I were in the kitchen, she was getting lunch together for the kids. "Okay, I know it was my idea but I don't know if they're ready."

"I agree, I'm not ready either, I just want to stay in bed with you... I just want to make love to you." I walked over to her and began to kiss her neck, nipping at her sensitive spot.

"Aaron, you're so cheeky today," she chuckles and playfully slaps me away.

I smile, hugging her close from behind, "What can I say, it's been a few days."

She takes a deep breath and hums out, "Do you think they'll be upset?"

"No, I think they'll be excited. Especially, when they start to see the new rooms being built and your belly starting to grow. They'll love it," I kiss the top of her head.

Y/n's POV

My mind starts to think about my belly and when it will start to show. What will Andrew say or do? Will Gracie feel okay? Will Aaron and I be okay?

"I love you Y/n, I want you to know even if the kids are upset we'll get through it," he kisses my cheek.

I smile and turn around in his arms, "I can't believe this is our life. Did you ever imagine that this would be our lives five years ago? We're having a baby, you're moving in... we're in love."

"No, I can't but I couldn't be happier. I mean I always secretly checked you out and thought about how it might feel to have your skin on mine." He began to kiss my neck again.

"Aaron, the kids are around," I whisper, trying to reel myself in.

"Just you wait for our next case-" Aaron was cut off by the kids running into the kitchen.

"Mama? Is lunch ready yet?" Gracie tugs on my shirt.

I cleared my throat and smiled, "Yes, baby it is, you guys wash your hands and I'll put it on the table."

"Otay!" Gracie smiles and runs off.

Jack walks up to me, "Um, Y/n?"

"Yes, honey?" I lean down to his height.

Jack stutters out, "I don't want to be mean but what did you make for lunch?"

I giggle, "awe, we are having ham and cheese sandwiches with a little bit of chips and fruit."

He smiles, "Oh, okay! Wait, what kind of fruit?"

Aaron and I laugh, he is so picky. "Watermelon and strawberries."

He holds up his hand to his mouth to hide his whisper from his dad, "Can I just eat the strawberries?"

"Just this once," I wink.

Jack runs off to wash up and Aaron laughs, "I heard that."

I raise my eyebrows and smile, "I know."

We eat lunch and the kids are ready for playtime but we had to talk to them first.

We were still at the table and it was time, "Jack, Gracie? Would you ever want to have a brother or sister?"

Gracie tilts her head, "Mmmm... I don' know, Mama. I like all your cuddles."

Jack nods his head, "Yeah, but how would you do it, Daddy? Mom isn't here anymore, she can't have a baby."

Aaron almost chokes on his water, "Well, buddy, uh- I would have Y/n help me."

Jack nods slowly, "Oh, because you love each other?"

I giggle, "Yes, what if we told you guys that you would have a brother or sister soon?"

I look at Grace and she frowns, "but you won't give me all the hugs anymore."

Aaron frowns a little, "Gracie, when Jack is here Mama gives him hugs sometimes. Doesn't Mom still give you a lot of hugs then?"

"Y-Yes, but you won't give me all the hugs too," she frowns, looking down at her plate.

Aaron tickles her neck a little, "Awe, never Gracie. You're my special angel, right? We'll keep giving you all the hugs."

My heart melts a little and she smiles at me and Aaron, "Otay! I want one but I get ALL the hugs!"

"Deal!" Aaron and I say in unison.

"We will start working on getting you one then!" Aaron's wide smile makes me laugh.

I'll scold him for that later but how could I be upset when he treats my daughter and me like queens. Our day went on and I had to go lay down for a nap, I felt exhausted. It was hard to believe that I was already two and a half months pregnant. I'd probably start to show pretty soon. We won't be able to hide the pregnancy for much longer.

As I drifted off to sleep when I heard the door open and the bed dip.

"The kids are taking a nap, so I'm joining you, rest baby," Aaron whispers into my side.

I fell asleep smiling, my life has really changed.

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