Is This The End

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I entered my front door with Grace sleeping in my arms. We were able to get back at a decent time. I tucked Grace into bed and went into my bedroom. I entered my bathroom, took my top off, looked at my stomach, and rubbed my hand over it.

I looked down and poked at it, "Hi you... are you going to be kind and not make me sick anymore. Please."

I called my OBGYN and booked an appointment for later on in the week. I needed time to tell Aaron. I'll speak with him tomorrow and see if he has time to talk. I got into the shower, washed my face, and went to bed. My body was exhausted.

The next morning I woke up with Grace cuddling into my side, she must've missed me. I squeezed her tight and got out of bed. I changed for the day, got Gracie up out of bed, and ready for school. We made breakfast together and we were on our way.

I walked into the office and settled at my desk. It was only Reid, Hotchner, and myself in the office. I took this as my chance and walked up to his office door, taking a deep breath.

I knocked on the door and heard him say, "come in."

I shut the door behind me, walked over to his desk, and sighed, "So... um, we need to talk."

Aaron's POV

I almost dropped my files onto the floor when she said 'we need to talk.'

That's never a good thing to hear. She was more distant on this past case, was it because of Morgan and Prentiss?

I was worried, "I-Is everything okay? Is this about Morgan and Prentiss?"

She almost whispers her response, "We just need to talk, preferably sooner rather than later. When are you free?"

I clear my throat, "I have lunch free, today after work, or Friday night."

Y/n runs her fingers through her hair, she is anxious. "Okay, um, today after work would be best. Let's meet at the park on Third Street?"

"I'll be there, Y/n/n." I watch her turn to leave, "Hey... I love you."

"I-I love you too." She leaves quickly.

Is this the end of us?


Y/n's POV

"JJ, I'm going to puke! I can't do this!" I was pacing in the bathroom.

She holds my shoulders, stopping my pace, "Well, you can't hide this if you decide to keep it! Y/n/n, it'll be better to just talk it through with him. Trust me. I know you guys just started out, but he's a good man."

"Oh, god!" If only she knew.

Work was over for the day, Gracie was having a playdate, and It was time for me to talk to Aaron. On my way out of the office, I puked into the trash can and continued as if nothing happened. That's not nice, little one.

I sat down on a bench near the coffee cart and bought a coffee for Aaron and a tea for me. I tapped my foot on the ground in suspense, waiting for Aaron to arrive.

"Hey, Honey," Aaron said, walking up to me.

"Hey, here, I got you a cup of coffee," I gave him a quick smile.

He sits down and sighs, rubbing his fingers together, "Thanks... So, what's going on?"

I took a deep breath, "I don't know how to say this-"

"Y/n, talk to me, honey. Are you wanting to break up?" He held his breath.

I laugh through my breath, "God no, Aaron! Quite the opposite actually. I-I'm scared you'll want to leave me after what I have to say."

"T-Then say it because I'm not going anywhere," he shook his head.

"Aaron, I'm pregnant," I stuttered out.

His eyebrows raised, "You're pregnant? How? We're are always careful and you're on birth control."

He's not saying how he feels, my breath is shaky, "Well, we had that quickie in Chicago, and birth control is only 99% effective. We were the lucky one-percenters."

"When did you find out?" His fingers rub together at a faster pace.

I combed my fingers through my hair, "Two days ago, when we started the case."

He was silent, "Aaron, please say something."

He's still silent but he starts to stare into my eyes and then he kisses me. "We're going to have a baby together. I'm going to have another child and it'll be ours. Yours and mine."

I smile and my mouth opens slightly, "Wait, you're not upset? You don't want to leave me? You want this child, our child."

He tilted his head from side to side with a smile, "It happened sooner than I had imagined, but nothing has made me happier than this moment. I would never leave you or be upset with you. Not over something like this. I love you Y/n and I love this little one inside of you."

I let out a sigh of relief and smiled, "Well, now we have some things to figure out don't we?"

"No kidding," Aaron chuckled.

"I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow during lunch. I would love it if you could come," I looked down at the ground.

"I'll be there baby, every step of the way." He caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes.

I kissed his lips and giggled, "Aaron Hotchner, I'm having your baby."

He cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips, "We're celebrating tonight! You know it's going to be a girl."

I laugh, "Nope, it'll be a boy. And we can't celebrate tonight. You have Jack tonight and I have to go pick up Grace."

He chuckles at me, "Y/n, in nine months our whole life is going to change. Our children need to get used to this, to us. Let's do this together. Me, you, and the kids."

I hold his hand and slowly kiss him, "Let's go pick up the kids then..."

Aaron and I went our separate ways, he went to pick up Jack and I went to pick up Grace. We agreed that we would stick to the story of only being together for a month. We both felt guilty about how our relationship started, but at the end of the day, we were happy and in love. Strauss would have to be informed about our relationship since half of the team already knew. Little by little things were coming to fruition. 

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