Agent Y/l/n

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The next morning I rush Grace out the door or else we would both be late. I had to get her to school and then haul it to the jet. We had a big case and JJ told me to clear the calendar for a week and a half! I called my sister immediately and made sure everything was in order for while I was away. I still needed to tell Gracie about the divorce, but for now, I was headed to Chicago.

"Okay sweetie, have a good day at school. Mama will call you as soon as possible." I gave her a big hug and kiss.

"Otay, Mommy. I'll see you when I see you." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

I chuckle, "See you when I see you, baby."


"Okay, I'm here. What did I miss? Am I late?" I ran into the jet panting.

"Slow your roll, Addams! You're right on time!" JJ laughed.

"Two things! One, Gracie was moving slower than a turtle this morning. Two, it's Agent Y/L/N now..." I smiled and giggled.

The team's attention was now on me. Morgan hands Reid twenty bucks, the girls do a happy dance as they text Garcia, Rossi slow claps, and Hotch tries to hide his proud smirk.

"Hey, Hey! Is that money? Did you two really make a bet out of my marriage?" I pointed between Morgan and Reid.

"Yeah, Morgan wanted to go up against my statistics." Reid smiled and stuck his tongue out.

Morgan chuckled, "Hey, I thought you were going to stay! You usually want to, 'keep the family together.' That's why most people stay anyway. What made you do it?"

I cleared my throat, "Well, um I wanted to start living a happy life. A life that was mine, and one that was debt-free."

"Here, here!" Rossi smiled.

Hotch cleared his throat and gestured for me to take a seat, "Okay, time to go over the case. We have four missing girls..."


"I'll start setting up at the precinct and get any extra information from the lieutenant," I said as we began to land.

"Good idea, I'll join you. JJ and Reid you'll be going to the M.E's office, Morgan and Prentiss head to the crime scene, and Dave I want you to canvas each victim's room." Hotch commands as the jet comes to a halt.

Everyone nods and we get off the jet. I text Garcia to make sure that she takes care of the Hotels and sends all of our files to the lieutenant. She calls me instead of texting me back.

"YOU GOT DIVORCED!!!! Oh my god! I'm so so so proud of you!"

I pull the phone away from my ear, "Yeah, Pen I did, and thank you! I assume you got my text?"

"Yes, Agent Y/L/N I did! The hotels were booked and the files were sent. The team got lucky this time around, no doubling up! You guys all get a room to yourselves!"

"Oh, amazing! Thanks, I'll let the team know." I hang up and laugh.

I let out a sigh of relief, hop into the SUV with Hotch, and buckle myself in.

"Garcia?" He asked, wondering who was on the phone.

"Yeah, she was able to book us all our own rooms, so no doubling up. Well, for some..." I bit my lip and smiled.

"I told you, you'd wake up with me soon. Tell me I was right." He goes to hold my hand.

I kiss his hand, "Even though it's under poor circumstances, you are right, Hotchner. She also sent the files to the lieutenant, so she should be all caught up by the time we get there."

"Good work Agent Y/L/N." He laughs and moves his hand to my upper thigh.

We walk into the bustling precinct searching for the lieutenant.

I scoff, "God this place is like a madhouse, no wonder why they called us in. They probably can't even find today's paper in this mess."

"Let's just hope the conference room doesn't look the same." He points to the conference room door.

We walk into the conference room and luckily it's spotless. That's the way our team works best. I set out all the photos and files while Hotch starts marking up the map we have at hand. I was telling him about a time that I had gotten lost through a training course when the door to the room opened.

"... No, I'm serious! I was the only one who managed to mistake a hiking trail for the course!" We both belly laughed, it was so early in the morning.

The Lieutenant walked through the door, "Agent Evergreen, Agent Hotchner. I'm Lieutenant Heath, normally I'd be following you along with this case. Unfortunately, as you can see my precinct is understaffed and overworked. So I'll be in and out of the case, but I'm having one of my Sargeants checking in on you from time to time if you need anything."

Hotch cleared his throat and refocused, "Thank you, what can you tell us so far..."


An hour and a half later everyone is back from their assignments. The Lieutenant has little to nothing on possible suspects. All we had been given were the names and connections to each victim. JJ and Reid walked in holding coffee and lots of it!

"Look at these lifesavers!" Emily follows behind them.

"Thanks," I grab a coffee, "Prentiss tell me you guys got something."

"It's definitely thought out and calculated. This is not the unsubs first offense I can tell you that much." She sat down at the table.

"What makes you say that?" Hotch asked.

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