It's Time

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We arrived in Hawaii and it was absolutely beautiful. We were on the island of Kawaii and all I wanted to do was lay in the sun. When we got to the police department we had to get started immediately. I couldn't stop drinking water, I was probably dehydrated. Hotch was being Hotch, he was serious and stoic which I never minded but I really needed to see his smile. I felt so needy lately. However, before we left for the plane we did make a video for our little, sharing our adventure. Aaron had joked that if we weren't having a baby already this case could've been the place where our little one was conceived.

"Alright, I want Reid and JJ to check out the hotel cameras. Y/L/N, you and Morgan will be heading to the bars that the victims visited. Dave and I will be talking to their co-workers. Prentiss, you and Garcia are going to try to find any existing family members, and follow the victims' lives as much as possible." Hotch orders and then begins to talk to David.

Morgan walked up to me smiling, "Alright Hot Mama, you ready to go?"

"Of course, let's get this show on the road. I want to try to sneak in a swim session tonight." I whispered the last part of my sentence.


A few hours later we arrived back at the police department. I had come to a nerve-wracking conclusion that affected me now more than ever. Derek was the only one I had told so far and he agreed with me. As I take a seat Rossi and Hotch walk in.

Rossi rubs his hands together, "Has anybody got anything?"

I nod slightly, not wanting my assumption to be fact, "I think I do..."

"What are you thinking, Bella?" Rossi says walking to the whiteboard.

"They were all pregnant," I was blunt. I didn't want it to look like it affected me all that much.

"Really?" Hotch said, raising his eyebrows.

I sigh and nod, "Really, the bartenders all said that near the end the victims' didn't order any alcohol. It was either seltzer water or a soda."

Just then as if by magic, Emily and Penny walked into the room and said, "They were all pregnant!"

"Oh, Bella, you're good!" Rossi chuckled, I loved his praises.

JJ and Reid walked in through the door, "Did we just hear that right, they were all pregnant?"

Reid hummed, "Interesting, so they were all pregnant and maids for hotels. The victimology is very specific."

Too specific all we had to do now was figure out who did it and why.


At nine o'clock Hotch decided it was time for the team to head to the hotel and get some rest. I was exhausted and craved mac salad from one of the local diners. Hotch and I had barely seen each other today, I'm so ready to spend time with my boyfriend and not my boss.

We get to the hotel and Hotch gives everyone their hotel keys. Obviously, we are staying together.

"Y/l/n, a word," Hotch said in a stern voice, it made me anxious.

I took a deep breath and walked over to a secluded area. "Is everything okay, Hotch?"

Penelope's POV

I turned to grab my go bag and see Y/n flailing her arms in the air. This was unlike her, she was usually able to withhold her emotions.

I step a bit closer to try and hear because I'm nosey like that.

"No, Hotchner. This, what you're doing right now, is unprofessional. A boss would not take me off of a case because it had to do with pregnant women," Y/n spat.

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