This is not working

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"Gracie! Dinner is ready, wash up and come eat," I shout, putting broccoli on her plate.

"Okay, Mama! Are Jack and Aaron coming?" She says, her little feet padding into the kitchen.

I sigh, "No, not tonight."

"Awe, when will they be back?" She climbed into her chair.

I shook my head, "I'm not sure, Gracie. Come on now, let's eat."

Grace and I sit down at the table and start to eat. I laugh as she tells me all about her four year old life. She's the light of my life, I tell her about my flight and how her Aunties and Uncles are.

I'm cleaning up after dinner while Grace is playing with her toys in the other room. I'm humming along when there is a knock at the door.

I sigh and walk to the door. "Who is it?"

I hear a muffled, "It's Aaron..."

I roll my eyes and open the door, "Oh, you weren't kidnapped? That's good to know. Have a nice night, Aaron."

I go to close the door but his foot stops it, "Y/n, stop. I would like to talk to you."

I hold up my index finger, "Grace! Go get ready for bed sweetheart and don't forget to brush your teeth!"

"OtAy!" She shouts from the playroom.

I cross my arms, "So, you want to talk now, huh? Okay, talk."

He raised his eyebrows, "Can I come in?"

"Sure... " I walked us over to the couch and sat down. Him on one side and I was on the other.

Aaron started the conversation, "I'm sorry I scared you last night. However- "

I cut him off, "However? However, your pregnant girlfriend was panicking, I was panicking. I didn't sleep last night, Aaron. What was it? Was it because I was too sick to get you off?"

He sat forward, seeming bothered, "Do you really think I would get angry over something like that? Come on, Y/n, you know better."

I stuck my hands out and sighed, "So, then tell me why you're angry because I can't think of any other reason."

"Your ring, Y/n." He rubbed his hand over his eyes.

I wasn't understanding, I furrowed my brows, "My ring? What ring?"

Aaron stood up and started to pace, and then stopped all of the sudden. "You're wedding ring."

Grace ran into the room and then giggled, "Mama- Ha, Aaron! You're here!"

Aaron leans down to her height, "Gracie, how are you?"

"I'm good, dinner was no fun," she gave him a little frown.

Ouch, I thought we had fun, "Gracie!"

"Whaatt... I like it when they eat the foods with us," she shrugged and hugged Aaron.

"Okay, okay. You're right, speak your truth, sweetie," I sigh, the things I've taught my daughter.

Gracie smiles at me, "Mhmm, thank ya, Mama."

Aaron says to Gracie, hugging her back, "Now, why don't we get you to sleep."

She smiles up at Aaron, "Otay! Good night, Mama."

"Um, goodnight honey," I looked at Aaron, there was so much running through my head.

Aaron and Grace leave the room and I start to think... my wedding ring?

My eyes go wide and I whisper, "My wedding ring!"

I rushed over to my go bag and searched for it, finally found it and took it out. I kept it clutched in my fist, waiting for Aaron to return. I started pacing, I felt bad...

"Y/n?" Aaron walked back into the room, watching me pace.

I looked up and ran my fingers through my hair, "Aaron, I-"

He interrupted me, "Let me say something, please... The last time I saw that ring I had slid it off of your finger and threw it across the room. That was after you told me you loved me, I don't know why I might've thought you'd leave that ring behind."

I shook my head, trying to hold back tears, "Aaron, the only reason I picked it up was because...because I tried to sell it. However, that cheap ex-husband of mine didn't bother to spend more than a hundred dollars on that ring." I threw the ring on my coffee table, "I forgot to take it out of my go bag, I forgot to throw that piece of garbage into the trash. I-I'm sorry Aaron, but you should know that you're my everything. That ring, that man means nothing to me. His only redeeming quality is that he gave me my daughter, honey I love you, I want you."

He sighed and thought for a minute, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I know, I know you love me and I love you. I saw red when I saw the ring, there was a small part of me that thought I might lose you..."

I walk up to him and hold his hands to my heart, tight. "You could never lose me, but please don't run from me. I know it's hard for you to express your emotions at the moment, but if you run, i-if you leave... I can't breathe. I can't have someone run from me again, especially when I'm having a child with that said someone!"

He bows his head, "Y/n, I-I didn't realize-"

I softly smiled and shook my head, "You didn't and that's okay, now you know. This was a small misunderstanding that could've been solved fairly quickly if we just sat down and talked right then and there. We're going to have to work on our communication, Aaron..."

"We are... Y/n, I love you and I will not abandon you. I am not Andrew, I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove that to you," he moves his hands to cup my face.

I step away from his touch, "I love you too Aaron, thank you. It's getting late, I need to get to bed. A-And then I, um- we have that Doctors appointment next week. It's just a c-check up, there won't be an ultrasound so you don't h-have to come." I was slipping into an anxiety attack, distancing myself from Aaron was the first indicator.

Aaron looks at me and notices my jagged breathing, "Y/n, breathe, we're okay honey. We will be okay."

I looked at his hand holding mine, he was trying to help me ground myself... it's not working. This is not working.

"Y/n!" Aaron's face blurs. 

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