Follow The Rules

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That was the wrong move to make, it made Andrew frantic and act erratically. All of a sudden two gunshots went off. Aaron had snuck in through the back kitchen door and hid behind the countertop. Two vital shots made it into Andrew's shoulder and hand. He dropped the gun immediately and fell to the ground. Morgan rushed you out of the house quickly.

The moment you stepped outside you burst into tears.

Y/n's pov:

I clutched onto my chest, "M-Morgan, where's Gracie?" 

Morgan tried to hold me up, "Breathe, Y/n. She's sitting in the car with Reid."

I fell onto the grass holding my heart with one hand and supporting my body with the other. I couldn't stop hyperventilating. I watched as Prentiss and Rossi dragged Andrew to the front yard, he was handcuffed. Behind them was Aaron on the phone with the EMTs.

"The EMTs will be here shortly." He directed the comment towards Morgan.

Morgan nodded and waited on the curb to direct the ambulance.

Aaron just stared at you, he reached his hand out to help me up. I stood up and hugged him tightly.

I whispered into his ear, "None of it was true. None of it. P-Please believe me."

Aaron focused on his cell phone, "You have some blood on your face. You should go clean up and then check on Grace."

"Aaron, please believe me." I was shocked, he wasn't even looking at me.

"We'll talk later, Y/l/n. Now is not the time," he walked away and made his necessary phone calls.

I went into the house and washed off the blood in the bathroom. I was still crying, shocked by the events of the night.

As soon as I was cleaned off I made my way to the SUV that Grace and Reid were in. I've never opened a car door faster.

"There's my baby."

"Mommy are you and Daddy okay?"

"Well, honey. Daddy is very angry. So, he will be going away for a long time."


"He got in trouble. He's going to be in time out for a long while."

"Oh, poor Daddy. He really needs to follow the rules."

Y-yes he does. We're going to go home now, okay?"


I picked Grace up and put her into my car. I had to keep all of my emotions at bay. Gracie needed to not be worried, this was a complete adult situation.

We made it home, after giving Grace a bubble bath and tucking her into bed, I finally had a moment to myself. I thought about how Aaron had acted towards me, did he really not believe me?

I sat in the bathtub and heard the front door open. Letting out a deep sigh, I closed my eyes. I just wanted for us to hold each other but I knew that wasn't a possibility, not tonight. I got out of the tub and threw on my robe, my stomach was sticking out slightly. Entering the room I saw Aaron sitting on the bed with his go bag.

You frowned and said, "Another case?"

"No, I'm going to stay at Rossi's place for a while."

"What? Aaron let's just talk, we need to talk," I could hear my own heart at that moment.

He stood up quickly, "Fine, what you did today was wrong. It was so wrong and so stupid! I told you the team and I would handle this! You didn't listen and-"

I sat down at my vanity, "S-Stop telling me I was wrong! Do you really, truly not understand?"

"No, I don't!" he walked into the restroom, grabbing some toiletries.

My voice rasped out, "Do you really not get this? Grace was gone!"  I watched him pack and shook my head, "You and me, we're supposed to take care of each other, n-not do this!"

He threw some shirts into his bag, "That's what I was doing! You would've been safer if you came straight home!"

My face went red, I held back my tears, "you really thought I'd go home while MY DAUGHTER was in danger. If it was Jack you would've done the same! So, please, save the hero act for someone else! I'm not Hailey, I can defend MYSELF!"

His jaw just about dropped to the floor, "And I'm not ANDREW, so if we are using that logic then you should be more than okay with marrying me!"

I threw on a loose nightgown, "Damnit, Aaron! Is this REALLY necessary? I was just held at gunpoint, forced to lie to the love of my life, and Grace was taken! All I wanted to do was spend the night holding you. Please, tonight, can we just-"

He zipped up his bag, "Y/n, you put yourself and the girls in danger! So, right now, no! Before I got back we weren't even sleeping in the same room anyway!"

I grabbed the strap of his bag, "Why are you punishing me!?! I understand  I put the girls in danger but- Aar, I need you right now!"

He shook his head and looked at my hand around his bag, "I just need to go-"

I was hurt, I was scared, "So much for not being Andrew! Not just tonight, Aaron! Not coming home, almost kissing another-"

He yanked the bag out of my hand, "Y/n, stop it! Just stop, Y/n!"

That was it, that was all Y/d/n could handle... As I began to cry for the umpteenth time today, I felt a sharp pain in my pelvis. I grunted in pain, my body started to shake. I knew exactly what this meant.

I slowly lowered myself onto the ground. I could feel something wet going down my leg. Blood.

Aaron's eyes went wide, "Y/n!"

My eyes felt so heavy, "Aaron, we have to go..."

Aaron's POV

I picked her up off the ground, "Y/n, take deep breaths, remember what Dr. Stanton said?"

"I'm so sorry for scaring you Aaron, I didn't mean all the words that I said. I love you," she gave me a soft smile.

"Keep talking to me, Y/n. Tell me about the nursery. What color are Y/d/n's blankets?" I tried to keep her alert as I rushed her into the car.

An hour and a half later Y/d/n M/n Hotchner was born. She was in the NICU, Y/n has not woken up yet. She used everything she had to bring Y/d/n into the world. Doctor Stanton informed me that Y/d/n would have to stay in the NICU for at least three months. She was beautiful, she was ours. Y/n passed out after giving birth almost immediately.

I had been sitting by her bed for the past few hours. Our baby was so tiny and the woman I love is comatose.

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