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The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and frowned. He's gone already. I knew he would have to leave early but I wanted more time. Then, I heard my bedroom door open. I turned my body around to see Aaron walking in with a cup of coffee and a plate of food. I sat up in pain, my body was spent. We had woken up in the middle of the night and went for another, slower round.

"Aaron, do you know how much I appreciate you?" I smile at him.

"If it's as much as I appreciate you, then yes I do. Here's your coffee and I made you a plate of Hotchner's famous pancakes," he walks over and kisses my cheek.


After breakfast and some cuddling, Aaron had to go pick up Jack and I had to wait a few minutes before I left to go pick up Grace. Grace was happy to see me but was focused on building a lego set with the boys. I gave her thirty minutes to play as I spoke to JJ, Will, and Aaron. With our luck, all of the phones began to ring and we knew it was work. Will was so helpful, he was going to let the kids stay with him until my sister and Jack's aunt could pick them up.

"Grace! Mama has to go catch a bad guy. You're going to stay with Uncle Will until Aunty can pick you up, okay?"

She looked at me and her eyes began to water, "M-Mommy don't go!"

"Oh, sweets. I know this is hard but Mommy will be back as soon as possible." I wiped her tears.

"Can I go with Daddy?" She sniffled.

"No, baby, not today. You'll see him soon though." She began to sob and I knew I had to leave. I picked her up and held her tight.

I looked at JJ and Will and we all frowned.

"I'll take her Y/n, she'll be okay. You guys go," Will whispered to me.

I nod my head and hand her over to Will, "Thank you, so much!"

I sigh as we walk to our cars, the three of us decide to carpool to work. I knew JJ was going to want to ask me if everything was okay. I prayed that she wouldn't.

Thank God, JJ had kept quiet and Aaron tried to comfort me with a small smile. It was hard for both of us to hide our relationship, especially in moments like this. We drove onto the tarmac, this case was urgent and Strauss wanted us on the plane immediately. I took my usual seat on the couch, well I only usually sat there when I was overthinking. JJ sat to my left, I laid my head back and closed my eyes, a minute later I chuckled.

"What's so funny? What are you thinking about?" JJ smirked.

"I'm just wanting some french fries and a frosty." I chuckled and shook my head.

JJ whipped her head in my direction and whispered, "Y/n..."

"What?" I looked at her confused.

She looked stunned, "The last time you craved that, you were four months pregnant. Like it was all you wanted to eat."

"Shut your mouth! That's out of the question." I whisper shouted.

"What's going on over there? Did you find out about Y/n's mystery man?" Prentiss laughed.

"Wait? What?" JJ looked at me shocked.

"Y/n got her groove back!" Derek sang out.

"A few of us went to pay her a visit last night and she was being beckoned by her lover in the other room!" Emily giggled.

"What happened to keeping your mouths shut?!" I glared at Emily.

"Opps!" Derek and Emily said at the same time.

"Bella, does he treat you right?" Rossi's eyebrows raised.

"Yes, Rossi. He does." I gave a small smile and looked at my painted nails.

"Then that's all that matters. Leave her alone and let's get to work." Rossi scolds the two.

I couldn't focus on work, JJ's words still rang in my head. It's not possible, I'm on birth control and we almost always use a condom. I haven't had any symptoms, sure maybe I had a headache here and there and only just now wanted a frosty with fries. Shit!

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