Hot Mama!

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I got home tired and hungry. I had picked up Gracie after school and I had to keep her with me at the office for a bit. She had been whining since I told her she couldn't spin on my office chair. I almost had to scold her, she had her dad's stubbornness. Setting our things down I called out for Andrew, he was supposed to be home by now, but no response. I gave his phone a call and I heard it upstairs. I walked into our bedroom and there he was passed out, reeking of alcohol. You've got to be kidding me.

"Andrew, honey, wake up!"

"What do you want? Where have you been?" He spat, grimacing at me.

"You're drunk babe, come on let's get you into the shower. Grace and I just got home from the office." I sighed, trying to lift him out of bed.

He pulled away from me, "You're taking our daughter away from me!? You bitch!"

My eyes went wide and my eyebrows lifted, "You're not making any sense! Come on Andy!"

And like the flick of a switch, things were back to the way they had been two days ago. I told him I was going to pick up our outfits for the charity event next week and left. I took Grace to my sisters and I began to drive aimlessly. I had to calm down. I know he doesn't mean the things he says when he's drunk, but it still stung. I called the girls and we all met at Penelope's house for some drinking and ranting. I was so tired of my bullshit marriage.


The next week came quicker than expected. I had reminded Andrew over and over again about the ball so he wouldn't forget. He said he would come and be there on time, but with him frequenting the liquor store more often, I knew he wouldn't. I felt so angry with myself, Andrew would push me to the edge, but then he'd do something sweet or give me his million-dollar smile, and I'd forget everything I said. I was burning out. We both needed to get a grip. I needed to stand my ground, to stay strong.

Andrew was arriving at the ball separately, he had scheduled an extra shift for that morning and wouldn't be able to drive me. I still believed he would not be attending especially if he was going to work that day. I decided I'd use my money and splurge. I had called to have a fancy town car come and whisk me away to the ball. I told Emily that she had to join me.

Emily came to the house two hours early so we could get ready together. We were both excited, everybody dreams about a ball at least once in their life. We did some pre-game shots and began to get ready. Emily did my hair, I did her makeup, and we went to put on our dresses. Emily looked amazing! I slipped on my sparkling heels as I looked in the mirror. My emerald green gown flowed beautifully, it had a pretty high slit for one of my legs to peek out of and a plunging neckline to match. It fits me and my curves perfectly.

"Well, if your husband doesn't show you'll be able to find husband number two tonight for sure!" Emily giggled.

I laughed, "Thank you? Haha, Em I think you and I will be the show stoppers honestly!"

There was a honk, signaling that our car had arrived. We made our way into the car ready to get the party started. We pulled up to the old city hall and our eyes grew big. It looked magnificent. I had really underestimated tonight's event. Emily stepped out of the car first and spotted the team. As I stepped out of the car I heard gasps, I looked up and it was the guys.

Morgan's eyes went wide, "hot mama!"

Rossi put his hand over his mouth, "Bella..."

Reid raised his brows in surprise, "Y/n/n!"

Hotch looked me up and down, whispering my name, "Y/n."

I look up at all four of them and laugh, "That good, huh?"

They all nod and we head inside trying to find our table. Derek brought Savannah, Rossi brought some old fling, Pen brought Kevin and JJ had Will with her. Embarrassed was an understatement, I knew he wouldn't be here.

"Where's Andrew, Y/n/n? Is he coming?" Reid asks, grabbing a soda from the waiter.

"Well, he said he was, but with my profiling skills and knowing him so well, he most likely won't be here tonight." I gave him a tight-lipped smile, grabbing a martini.

Reid just nods as we were interrupted by an introduction speech. Two hours of speeches and the first course had come and gone. Still, no Andrew, and the dancing was about to begin. The couples went to the dance floor. Spence asked Emily for a dance, so they left as well, leaving just me and Hotch at the table. He looked so handsome, my eyes looked him up and down slowly, I was drinking him in.

Hotch stood up and offered me his hand, "Addams, may I have this dance?"

"Why of course! I hope you're a good leader on the dance floor," I smiled, grabbing his hand.

"I won't let you fall, trust me." He walked me to the dance floor.

"I do," I whispered to him.

He began to lead me in the waltz, "I might be crossing a line, but you look extremely sexy."

"As do you, I like the tie color... who told you?" I traced my finger on his emerald green tie.

"Penelope." He smirked, knowing she can't keep a secret.

"Of course, I'm not mad about it. You should wear green more often, it's my favorite." He spun me around and I laughed.

As I faced him again he smiled, "I wish I could kiss you right now-"

"Hey, Mr.Romantic, please it's hard enough." As I say that he brings my body closer to his. It certainly was hard.

"I know. God, the things I would do to you." His breath fanned next to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

I put my mouth next to his ear and whispered, "Oh yeah? Well, talking isn't against the rules... why don't you tell me?"

"You're playing with fire, but you asked for it... I would pull you into one of the offices upstairs and kiss you. Every kiss would become more and more passionate. Eventually, we would be out of breath, so I would move my hands down to your thighs and spread them, while you sit on top of a desk. Then as I graze my hand over your pu-"

I was barely breathing, my body was filled with heat and need. We were still dancing, but one of my hands had made its way to the nape of his neck. I wanted Aaron Hotchner with all my being. However, I didn't notice that Andrew had arrived and watched as I smiled, laughed, and danced with another man. I didn't realize he was there until-

"May I cut in?" Andrew tapped on Aaron's shoulder.

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