Give Us a Moment

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The next morning I woke up in my man's arms. I put my fingers through his hair placing the fallen strands back into his bed head. I kiss his lips lightly hoping to wake him up early so we could have some time cuddling before having to go face the world. Luckily he was a light sleeper and his eyes fluttered open upon my last light kiss.

"Good morning, Handsome."

"Good morning, Gorgeous." He pulls my naked body closer to his.

"Hmm, baby, baby. I love your smell, your eyes, your hair, and these amazing hands of yours." I say as his hands grab my round ass.

His husky voice chuckled, "Honey, your hands are pretty magical too. I love your whole being."

"Oh god, is it terrible that I just want to stay in bed with you all day and not come out until we absolutely have to!" I giggle, kissing his chest.

"Not one bit, but we do have to leave in an hour. Unless you want to go into work looking like you spent your night in a brothel," Aaron laughed hard.

I slapped his chest, "Aaron! Did you leave marks on me again?"

"Well, did you?" He said in a sassy tone.

We both laugh and get out of bed to assess the damage that we did to each other. My eyes go wide as I see the trail of hickeys going from my collarbone to my core. I calmed down knowing I could hide them with one of my button down shirts. Aaron on the other hand looks into the mirror and grimaces at the marks I gave him.

"You're going to pay for this," Aaron slaps my ass.

"Do you want me to try and cover them up?" I laugh.

I had made marks all the way up to his neck.

"Oh, you better cover these up!" He starts to chase me.


The team and I are back in the precinct ready to catch this son of a bitch. I started going over the preliminary findings when my stomach began to growl. I chose to ignore it and finish speaking to the team. Hotch had the team complete new tasks out in the field, I was in charge of visiting each of the victims' places of business.

Two hours later I make my way back into the precinct and I'm starving! I shouldn't have ignored my hunger from earlier. I need food and fast, I walk into the conference room and smile. Hotch was there with two sandwiches in his hand.

"My knight in shining armor! I'm assuming everyone is still out?"

"You would assume correctly. I heard your stomach earlier and thought you might need this." He put the sandwiches and drinks down.

"If I could kiss you right now, I so would!" I blew him a kiss.

Aaron sits down at the round table and I sit down next to him. We talked about the case because I had found that the girls all had high-end jobs and they were pretty high on the totem pole. However, all four companies had to recently lay off a handful of people. I changed topics shortly after, needing a moment to relax.

I look at Aaron's neck and laugh, " I think that's my best work yet!"

"What? The marks or the makeup." He shakes his head.

"The makeup, Hotch. You can't even tell that you had someone sucking on your neck all through the night." I smile while I take a bite out of my sandwich.

"Ha.Ha. You're always good with your makeup, I'm not surprised." He takes my legs and lets them rest on his lap.

"You know I could've been in the CIA? They recruited me," I pointed out.

"That's impressive. You obviously didn't join. Why?" He started massaging my ankles.

I was laughing, "Well, my dad was an undercover agent for the CIA and he would sometimes come home with fake noses and different makeup. It would scare me sometimes because this one time I walked into the kitchen late at night, trying to get a late night snack, but dad had come in from the back looking like a complete stranger. I got so scared I tried to pull a knife on him! And ever-"

"And ever since then Y/n never really cared for the CIA. How are you Y/n?" A familiar voice asked.

I take my legs off of Aaron's lap and sit up straight. It was my ex-husband Andrew Addams dressed in his uniform leaning against the door frame. What was he doing here! I hate coincidences.

I clear my throat, "I'm great Andrew. How are you?"

"I'm doing okay. I was told to check on the agents that were helping us out on this case. If only I knew the agents would be your team, I would've had them assign someone else." He glares at me.

I look between the two men, "Hotch, do you think you could give us a moment please?"

"Of course." Aaron nods and stands.

"Yeah, that'd be best buddy," Andrew said, being childish.

Hotch is smart to ignore him and his tone. He leaves the room and throws our trash away.

"It's nice to see you Y/n. I've missed you," he sounded calmer now.

I scoffed, "Oh? That's interesting, your actions certainly don't say the same things."

"Look, I got a new job and I've been sober for a month. I haven't gambled for some time too." He said, seeming to ask for forgiveness.

I let out a slow, shaky breath, "That's great Andrew really. I'm sure you're aware of our divorce."

"Yes, I am. Why would you do something like that? You should have waited for me! I would never in a million years divorce you!" His voice grew a bit louder.

"Andrew, our house looked like it was ransacked by a group of robbers. I was worried sick that something happened to you! It turned out that to just be you and your anger. Let me remind you, YOU were the one who left. YOU WERE." I said through gritted teeth, hoping to keep my voice down.

He nods and furrows his brows, "Does Grace know? Did you tell her?"

"No, everything was finalized this weekend. I'm telling her once I get back home." My chest was rising and falling faster than I would've liked it to.

"We'll tell her together then. I know you're set in your ways and it's too late to undo what's been done," he huffed and rolled his eyes at me.

I shook my head 'no,' "I don't think that's the best idea."

"You don't have a say in this matter. I am going to see my daughter and we are going to tell her what her wonderful mommy did." He used an unnatural voice.

I stood up quickly and pointed my finger to his chest, "You might want to rethink how you speak to me! You can come to see your daughter, but I will be the one telling her the news. You can't even be civil around me!"

Just then the team walks into the conference room. Morgan and JJ walk up next to me eyeing Andrew.

"You okay here Y/n/n?" Morgan crossed his arms.

"I'm great, Andrew was just leaving. Please see to it that you are reassigned." My voice had become raspy.

"You bet!" He shouted, leaving the room.

I try to shake the wave of emotions off of my body and refocus the team. Aaron walks back in and nods in my direction. We go over our findings, getting one step closer to our unsub.

Can't Be That Wrongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें