What are You going to do?

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When you woke up the next morning your neck and back were stiff. You stood up and stretched, walking to your bedroom, hoping to find Aaron in bed. He wasn't...

You stormed into the BAU, fuming and partly hoping to find Aaron in his office. You didn't bother knocking, you just opened the door wide. You damn near lost it, he wasn't there. Where the HELL is he?

You go down to your desk and throw your bag down. You didn't know what to think or where he could possibly be. You did the only thing you knew to do, you started on your work. You were bothered when the team began to trickle in and there was still no Aaron.

"Hey, Y/n/n! Where's your man? And this is for you," Morgan walks up to your desk with a cup of tea.

"Thanks, Derek. I have no clue where Hotch is..." you tap your pen on the desk and sip on your tea.

Derek sucked on his teeth, "Uh oh, so, safe to say he's in the dog house?"

You sighed and your eyebrows raised, "Yep, unless he just spent the night at Rossi's."

Reid frowns, "Well, that doesn't help Hotch's case. He left maybe fifteen minutes after you did."

"There you have it then," you huffed and got back to work.

An hour later Aaron was barreling into the bullpen and rushing to his office. Not only was he late but he was also in his clothes from the night before. The moment you saw him you felt relief but shortly after you felt anger, so much anger. You weren't sure what to do next. Should you run in there raging or give him some space? Should you walk in there, talk calmly or not talk to him at all?

"Watcha, gonna do, Y/n?" You look up to see Emily, trying to read your mind.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing..."

Rossi watched as Aaron ran into his office. He sighed and made his way over to Hotch.  As Rossi enters his office, Aaron looks like a deer in headlights and insists that Rossi shuts the door.

"Aaron, what's going on? Do you know what you're putting Y/n through?"

Aaron's jaw clenched and he became defensive, "Why are you defending her? Do you even know why-"

David scoffed and interrupted, "All I know is that you didn't go home last night. So, until you-"

Aaron's eyes went wide and he frowned, "Does she think- How mad is she?"

Rossi clicked his tongue and rubbed his chin, "I came to work early and she was already hard at work. She's barely spoken a word to any of us, she hasn't stopped rubbing her belly bump. Aaron, where did you go last night?"

Aaron sat down and started bouncing his leg up and down, "I-I went to the pub, I drank way too much, and then I-I almost kissed another woman-"

Rossi's eyes go wide and he clenches his fists, "What? Kid, you -"

Aaron hurries to finish his story, "Almost! But I stopped when I realized what I was doing! I had so many different emotions at that moment, so I just spent the night at a hotel and woke up late. Now, here I am."

"You need to make this right. I know your feelings may be hurt and I'd understand why. J-Just know that not much would change if you were married... the only thing that would change would be her name." Rossi shook his head and left Aaron's office.

"... But that's the point," Aaron sighed and silently broke down.

As you continued to work you could feel everyone's eyes on you. You rolled your eyes,  hoping to get some peace. You got up and went to the library inside the FBI building. You flipped through some old case files and sighed, laying your head down on the table. You thought about everything Aaron had said. It's true nothing should be holding you back, however; the stunt he pulled last night didn't bode well for him. If he was trying to give you an ultimatum then you weren't going to put up with him.

You happened to fall asleep and woke up to the librarian shaking you awake.

"Dear, I'm locking up for the night. You should go home, you don't look well"

"Oh, thank you for waking me up. I'm sorry to keep you." You gave her a light smile and began walking back towards the office.

When you walked through the glass doors of the now empty office you saw Aaron pacing in the middle of the bullpen. When he heard the door his head shot up and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Where have you been, Y/n? I saw your things here but I couldn't find you! Where were you?"

You were silent for a minute but decided to take a different approach, " I was in the library, researching for a consultation I have tomorrow."

Aaron tilted his head, "Oh, y-you don't usually go to the library..."

You nodded your head, "I know, I just needed some peace and quiet. Everyone was looking at me wondering what I was going to do. So I just got up and went to the library."

"So... what are you going to do, in regards to us or me, I mean," Aaron seemed to be nervous.

You sighed and looked down at the ground, "Nothing, I'm going to do absolutely nothing. I'm going to let you do what you need to do. You can decide if you want to tell me where you were last night or not. Just know, I'm not ready for marriage and if that is an issue for you and you need to leave me then so be it. I'm not going to change myself or my mental health for you, I can't."

"Y/n, I- Last night I-"

"Aaron, as long as there was no infidelity then I don't care. I'll see you at home later?" You raised your eyebrows and picked up your purse.

"Yes, I just need to finish up some more paperwork, and then I'll be home," Aaron frowned.

You nodded and left, tears fell down your face. You didn't think you would have to experience this with Aaron but here you were. What should you have expected? Who knew? All you knew was that your little Y/d/n would have a mom that loved her to the end of the universe and back.

When you got home your sister and the kids were huddled around the dining room table working on their school work. You smiled and walked over to the kids, brushing your fingers through their hair.

"Hi, my babies."

Gracie and Jack look up at you with bright smiles.



"Why don't you two finish up then wash your hands, I'll get dinner started." You smiled at them and sat down next to your sister. "How were they?"

"They were perfect angles. They argued a bit over a toy but it was nothing I couldn't handle. How are you? Did you see Aaron today?" She reached out and held your hand, not forgetting the phone call the two of you shared the night before.

You sighed, "Yeah, he eventually showed up to work. I decided I'm just going to let him be. I'm not going to pry. He'll have to figure it out, this is my house, my baby, my daughter, and Jack... well no matter what happens Jack will still be in my life. If he is going to leave me because I'm not ready for marriage, then he's going to leave me."

"Wow, so that's where you're at with it all? I mean, I guess it makes sense but Y/n/n-"

You shook your head, "No, buts. Last night I was so, so, so hurt. If that's how he wants to act then so be it. I can't make a choice for him. All I can control is the kids and myself."

"I stand by you, you know that. I just don't want you to miss out on life because of Andrew," you both stand up and give each other a big hug.

You say your goodbyes and you begin to make dinner. You went with one of Jack's favorites and something simple, mac and cheese. When the kids ran to the table, ready to eat, Aaron walked through the front door. The kids shouted for him and he joined you all at the table.

"There are my precious people!" He kissed the tops of their heads.

Jack jumps up and down with excitement, "Dad! Y/n made us mac and cheese and she is letting us bake brownies for dessert."

"Wow, that's great! Hi, Y/n," Aaron gives you a small smile.

You look up from your stomach, smiling, "Hi, Aaron."

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