Act 14 (3/3): 'Avoid The Void'

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Author: If you are wandering where Jinx's shoes are... Me too... Me too.

Ezreal: You remember me? I never did catch your name.

Kai'Sa: I do remember you... I'm Kai'Sa.

Ezreal: The name's Ezreal.

Jinx: Jinx... That's me!

Y/N: I'm Y/N and this is Sally.

Kai'Sa looks to you, Jinx and Sally as you point to Sally, who just waves unsure how to feel about Kai'Sa since she just came out the portal to the Void.

Kai'Sa: We'll have to save the pleasantries for later... The first wave is upon us.

Ezreal: What do you mean?

You get up still feeling a bit tired as you peak down into the hole to see the portal to the Void. Kai'Sa dashes towards you in a blink of an eye pushing to out the way as several Voidlings come crawling out.

Kai'Sa: Avoid the Void.

Y/N: Alright Kai'sa the rhymer.

Jinx: Ooh look more friends!

Jinx points to the tiny Void like creatures that have been dubbed Voidlings by Ezreal.

Kai'Sa: Those are not friends... I hope you can fight otherwise... Run.

Jinx grins excitedly as she aims Zapper as you get up now holding Gold unfortunately you are feeling to low on mana to use any more spells.

Ezreal: Just like old times... Well time since we only did it once.

Kai'Sa looks to Ezreal giving him a brief smile before flying into the air and launching purple rockets from her Void cannons.

Y/N: Insert battle speech here... Charge!

You rush forwards swinging gold cutting through the Voidlings while Sally shoots lasers from atop your shoulder trying to ignore the strange desire to enter the Void. Jinx zaps Voidlings left and right and forwards. Ezreal and Kai'Sa launch all over the room shooting down the enemies little at a time.

Y/N: These Voidlings aren't so tough!

Kai'Sa: These are the weaker ones! We've got to close the portal!

Ezreal: How?!

You look around the room while your girlfriend Jinx, your best friend Sally, your new friend Ezreal and your possibly newest friend Kai'Sa eliminate the Voidlings.

Y/N: Let's see... Dammit I don't see any buttons!

Ezreal: Cover me!

Ezreal teleports to the nearest wall and begins looking for any clue to closing the portal. You rejoin the battle swinging Gold with a boost of shimmer.

Y/N: Shimmer power!

Kai'Sa bombards the remaining Voidlings with a volley of purple rockets before Jinx puts away Zapper.

Y/N: Was that it?

Kai'Sa: No... That was only the first wave... The next wave will be harder... If we're lucky we won't have to face any of the stronger ones.

Y/N: Do the stronger ones have names?

Kai'Sa looks to the portal quietly and nods. Jinx gets ready with Pow Pow while you and Sally turn to Ezreal scanning the walls for clues.

Y/N: Got anything?

Ezreal: No... Not yet. I'll let you know when I do.

Y/N: Okay dokey.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now