Act 25 (1/3): 'Assignments Are Important Right?'

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Author: Half way to Act 50... Probably.

You are walking with Sally on your shoulder through the streets of Zaun.

Y/N: I wonder what Miss Glass wants... Glasc? Are you sure if isn't Glass?... That is an unusual name... I wonder if she'll let me look at her inventions.

At home, Jinx is sitting with a cup of orange juice. She stares boredly at the entrance to the shop.

Jinx: We really need to consider getting staff so I don't have to hold the fort while Y/N is out.

Sally looks down at her quite but baby bump.

Jinx: It's almost been nine months... I can't wait to see you little Syrup.

At the Last Drop, you walk in waving at Theorem.

Y/N: Morning!

Theorem: Morning!

You run up the stairs and walk into Renata Glasc's office.

Y/N: Miss Glasc... You sent for me?

Renata: Yes... I have a slight feel of what you offer to the table but I need more. I have some assignments for you.

Y/N: Assignments? Those sound important... Wait assignments are important right?

Renata: Yes.

Y/N: You are not going to grade me are you?

Renata: No... For the first assignment...

Renata places a perfume bottle in front of her. You stare at her confused before you notice her mechanical arm. Your confusion turns to awe.

Y/N: Your arm is amazing... A lot better than mine no offense to Viktor.

Renata: Let me see...

You move over to her and give her your metal arm. She grabs it and takes a close look. She slowly inspects each and every part of the arm.

Renata: I see a few bits of rust... You don't take good enough care of your arm do you?

Y/N: I mean I occasionally cover it is soapy water and...

Renata sighs.

Renata: You moron... You need to apply oil once a week otherwise the cogs used in this older models will just slowly break down.

Y/N: Oh... Thanks for the tip.

Sally crosses two of her metal legs as you squint your eyes annoyed. You turn to her.

Y/N: Yes I am aware you told me that Sally but oil just feels so weird.

Renata: If you are going to be working for me... Then you need to have a better arm.

Y/N: How much?

Renata: You work for me... I'll just take it out of your pay.

Y/N: I don't actually need to be paid.

Renata raises an eyebrow.

Renata: Is that right? You wish to work for free?

You nod with a smile.

Renata: You are a strange boy... I like that. Now let's replace that arm of yours.

(Timeskip - An hour later)

You are wiggling your new robotic fingers with awe.

Y/N: Wow I have so much more movement now.

Renata smirks behind her mask.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now