Chapter 39

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It was June and the sun was scorching hot.

The hawkers selling food in the street market are lazy, have no business, and have no spirit. They just use palm fans to drive away the heat.

But there is a cold food stall on the corner of the street, and two words are written crookedly on the wooden sign: drink ice.

The stall was full of guests who came to escape the summer heat, among which a man and a woman were the most conspicuous.

The man was dressed in white, with feathers on his ears, and was eating Leng Yuanzi without saying a word, while the woman was wearing a goose-yellow ruffled skirt, her sleeves were rolled up generously, revealing a lot of lotus arms.

The atmosphere between the two was weird, and everyone could see that they were a couple, but it was really strange that the two didn't communicate at all.

Many gossip guests frequently looked there, wanting to hear some inside stories.

The woman put down the porcelain spoon and let out a long sigh.

"What's the matter with you? I think you've been very wrong recently."

"It's okay, it'll be fine soon."

The man was still eating and grinning. There was nothing unreasonable between the movements, but there was always something strange. Remember https://m.

The woman also seemed a little unhappy, picked up the oil-paper umbrella on the side and left the position.

"I'm going to buy something else, wait for me here."

After eating the last Leng Yuanzi, the man accurately grabbed her wrist, rubbed her with his fingertips, and pulled her back.

"It'll be fine soon."

He murmured these words, pulled her into his arms, gently touched the end of her hair, and drew his thin sword from the side.

The sword was covered with cracks, cutting the man's smile into countless pieces, which looked very strange.

The woman seemed to realize something and began to struggle, but it was of no use.

The guests around screamed and left there. Some people were preparing to report to the officer, and some people looked at them with fear and curiosity, but no one stepped forward to stop them.

The man opened his eyes, there was no focus, there was chaos inside, and it was as dark as a swamp.

His right hand moved from the end of his hair to her trembling eyes and slowly pressed down, covering her frightened eyes.

"It'll be fine soon, it won't hurt you."

When the cold blade was brought to his neck, he suddenly stopped his hand, and then smiled helplessly.

"I forgot, you don't like me killing people with this."

He threw the sword aside and drew out the dagger he was carrying.

The tip of the knife moved slowly along her thigh, like affection, like comfort, the cold touch made her tremble for a while, and finally stopped at her heart.

The woman took a deep breath and took his hand, for fear that he would do it the next moment.

"Why? You tell me, I think I can still save it!"

"I don't like this kind of pain, and I know you don't either." The man patted her on the forehead soothingly: "But it will be fine soon."

"Why do you always choose someone else?"

"I'll let us free together."

When the woman heard this, her eyes widened, as if she understood something.

"Wait, people need to communicate, how would I know if you didn't tell me before, give me a chance-"

There was no chance, the tip of the knife went deep into her heart, and at that moment she even felt the contrast between the coldness of the blade and the burning heart.

There were screams all around, some people fled, some covered their eyes, and the noise filled her eardrums.

The man put the dagger in her hand, and without hesitation, took her hand and stabbed him, digging into his heart little by little.

He leaned down and touched her forehead, intertwining his fingers.

"I seem to know why Liang Zhu turned into a butterfly."

There was a smile on his lips, and that smile was like a Buddhist son who had discovered the cause and effect and was able to prove the Way.


Li Ruoshui sat up abruptly, his face was covered in cold sweat, and the silk skirt on his body was already soaked, and there was a chill when the night wind blew.

She could still feel the real coolness in her heart, she immediately touched it, and felt a long sigh of relief after feeling the steady heartbeat.


It's a dream.

No, this is a nightmare, right? Isn't this a foreshadowing dream? !

"System, is this the prompt you gave!"

"Come out and answer me, help!"

Li Ruoshui, whose heart was beating violently, had already started to babble, and he couldn't help but uttered rhetorical words.

[Please sleep well, host, don't scare yourself, believe in yourself, don't worry too much. 】

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