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Josephine: Alright! Let's do this!

(YN): Hell yeah!

Kars: But we need to rearrange our fight in a suitable place for our battle. Wamuu, what are you thought?

Wamuu: ...We fight tonight, under the gazes of the full moon. Our fight will take place from 15km southeast here at the foot of Piz Berlina. We will meet up at the Skeletons Heel Circle, many warriors have fought to their deaths there, countless ones.

Lisa Lisa: In a stone Circle?

Josephine: Hey! You can't pick the place to fight!

(YN): Thats bull shit right there!

Kars: It is not nonsense at all. Wamuu has made a fine choice to pick that spot for our battle. Now let us speak of the red stone. JoJo, (YN), you two will go and bring the red stone of Aja and bring it to the stone circle at midnight tonight, and don't forget to remove the bomb. The woman will stay with with us and taking here as a hostage.

Kars then walks away, as he disappears from his light, Wamuu as well from his wind....

(YN): Well master?

Josephine: What now??

Lisa Lisa: They want to make sure we do not run from this fight. It is a reasonable request, you too go on and get the red stone, don't worry about me, I'll be fine.

Josephine/(YN): Right!

And so, the two rush over to their destination to get the red stone of Aja, and as they walk downstairs....they again met downstairs of the cross noisier that killed Caesar underneath....but they must not get distracted by it, and head over to get the stone, on top of that, (YN) Carrie's Messina onto his shoulders to take him with Stroheim to treat his wounds....suddenly, JoJo started to notice (YN) looking a bit serious and off...

Josephine: (YN), what's wrong?

(YN): ...nothing really, it's just...I have this feeling burning up on me when I saw those bastards. I swear...I will avenge Caesar, and I will fight for the ones I care for, Messina, Master,....and you too as Well, JoJo.

Josephine blushes when he mention her about he'll fight for her...and she smiled about it...and replies...

Josephine: *blushing and smiling* That's good to hear! Cause I'll be rooting for you on your battle with Wamuu!

(YN): *smiles* Thanks, Josephine.

The two smile together...
Minutes later, as they arrive, as (YN) takes Messina to get his wounds treated by Stroheim, and JoJo getting the red stone in Lisa Lisa's room...she opens a suitcase of hers, and to see the red stone...

Josephine: Hehe, seems like there's no bomb after all. Lisa Lisa, even if your under pressure, you are one smart and intelligent woman.

As she grabs the red stone of Aja, she suddenly then sees an open book in the suitcase...and to see a picture of her grandmother, Johanna Joestar...

Josephine: What??? That's...Granny Johanna!! Wait...what and why does Lisa Lisa have a picture of Granny??

She digs in more on the book, and to see another picture, this time with Johanna looking in your young age, early 20's, also alongside with Young SpeedWagon and Straizo...and a baby...

Josephine: Woah! That's Granby Johanna when she was young!! This picture was taken on May 2nd, 1889. That was 50 years ago! And that young man is Uncle SpeedWagon! Geez I bet he got the ladies with that look, and that one there is Straizo as well, holding a baby. Lisa Lisa...I never know about your last, or when you were born...but what could you possibly be doing with these photos.

Josephine Joestar x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now