Jack Kelly- Photographs (c)

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Newsies The Musical One Shot

Life had never been fair for your family and after you and your brother ended up living on the streets, you had to do everything you could to keep yourselves afloat. He had managed to get a job as a newsboy, which didn't pay well at all, but it offered him enough to get food and the bear minimum of items that he needed, whilst you had a bit better of luck. You had found sympathy from a wealthy family who hired you as a maid. It was a draining job but at least it offered you a roof over your head and some form of food for your hard work.

The main problem was that you ended up losing your brother. You had to spend all of your time working and ended up losing track of where your brother was staying. A few years later, the lady of the house in which you worked, passed away, leaving her employees along with her estate to her eldest daughter who decided to keep you employed in her home but was far kinder in how she treated you. She helped you gain a simple education and get a place at a secretary school, before encouraging her husband to hire you. The money still wasn't flowing in, but it did mean you were able to find your own place to live and gave you the time necessary to search for where your older brother would be.

It had been hard to find where he was as there wasn't a paper trail, but after asking enough of the right people, the right questions, you found him. You were told to head to one of the roofs of a building where he called home and there he was, a much older version of the cheeky older brother you had missed for so long.

"Jack," you smiled softly. "Is that really you?"

He moved his hat from covering his eyes as he lay on a tattered old bed roll. At first, he didn't seem to recognise you but as the grin appeared on his face, you knew he was aware of who you were.

"Y/N," he whispered. "I thought you died."

You shook your head. "I thought the same of you."

Jack clambered to his feet and wrapped you in a tight, loving embrace, something that you hadn't felt for many years.

"What happened to you?" He asked, looking you over. "You look great."

"It's a long story, but I'm working as a secretary. I have a room in a boarding house on the other side of the city and I didn't know if life served you that well. I had to know that you were okay."

He let out a weak laugh. "I'm doing okay for myself."

"You look it," you chuckled. "I brought you something. It isn't really worth anything beyond sentimentality, but I thought you'd like to see it."

You rummaged in your satchel and pulled out the couple of old torn photographs that you had clung onto for all the years that you had been apart from your brother. You held them out for him to take. He took a look at them, and you could see the tears welling in his eyes.

"I haven't seen these photos in years," he whispered.

The two photographs had been from when your family had money, before everything went to shit. You were only a baby in the picture, Jack as a toddler and your parents happy, something that didn't last long. You could only be grateful that you were able to keep hold of the pictures.

"I know we are as good as strangers now," you sighed. "It's been so many years apart, but I don't want to lose my brother again."

He took your hand and squeezed it tight. "I don't want to lose you either."


Written by Charlotte.

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