NL: Chapter 3

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The girl who covers in Darkness

                     It was the dawn of the new eve and Niderudion was finally waking up.  He splashed water on his face as he recalled the conversation from last night.  It made him quite happy.

The prince pressed his hands together as he went out of his room.  He hoped he would be able to sneak out into the forest.

He then saw his mother talking to Kiridena in her quarters.  He sighed as he carefully sneaked out of the castle.

He was going to the forest.

Except, unknown to him, he wasn't alone.

A certain golden hair princess with a bright smile and sight for adventure secretly followed him out.

The prince slowly walked around waiting for any movement, any sound when a girl filled with terror came running forward.

"Help... Please." The voice cried with an accent from one of the kingdoms, "I don't deserve it, but I need it.  I deserve death, but if I must live I must have help."

The girl finally lowered herself and threw her raven haired-head on her knees and sobbed as much as her irises could cry.

Who was she, the prince wondered and stared at her in confusion.

Niderdion touched her shoulder, a gesture that makes sure one is alright.  Except when he did that he felt a void of darkness sweeping through her.

He widen his eyes, a first-stage darkened one. "What happened?  You're filled with darkness."

"I am doomed." The raven-haired stated, "I caused everything to fall because I've done nothing.  It's all my fault.  Now Dizíra is in darkness because I didn't help stop anything.  Maybe you should just kill me instead." She leaned over and stared at the ground,
     "I deserve to die.  Kill me.  Kill me.  Take this dagger and end my suffering.  Then I won't have to face anything.  I deserve this so please won't you?"

"No." Niderudion shook her head.  "How did Dizíra fall?  It was probably meant to happen regardless and you did the best you could, so don't blame yourself."

He knew the prophecy.

She just blames herself and lives in the suffering of evil.  The darkness was getting to her.  He couldn't allow her to be filled with evil too and then sooner than later she would be mindless and performing the reedins' endless deeds.

"I.. I remember when it all happened.  When my... my lord, the prince was betrothed to a spare princesa of another."  Niderudion sat down and gently listened. 
      "She was beautiful and everyone loved her.  Even him, the prince.  Except she was not amorosa (loving) or hermosa (gorgeous) at all.  The princess was actually a witch and a spy that wanted to infiltrate our kingdom.  She hated me because I was distrustful.  I heard her talking one day to suspicious people and couldn't trust her since.  I was right to."

"Wait hold on," Niderudion suddenly interrupted, "How come you got to be close or talk to her?  Do the civilians of Dizíra get to see and talk to the royalty like friends often?"

The girl shook her head, "Oh no.  I.. I was one of prince Cevestíon's servants, his favorito.  Sí, and the prince who I loved dearly as he, is the ruler.  I had appreciate all he has done but was blinded by her.  Since he was so in love with her, I couldn't possibly ruin his happiness.  I said nothing.  Though he did notice my uneasiness about her and our conflictos.
            Then one day, he asked me in fear what I knew about her.  He was not himself at all.  His eyes were off and he clearly looked pained.  I told him she was a witch trying to infiltrate our kingdom and have been speaking with others filled with evil.
         Then he looked at me at believed me.  Cevestíon told me she was using the kingdom's special potions for evil.  At the time when he was just in love with her, the prince wanted her to fix him a potion just for fun.  He told her every ingredient and what they all do.  She began giving him one that would cause pain or evil."

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