NL: Chapter 9

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Old Mysteries

         Imagine everything at the tip of your fingers, swimming and drinking it all.

Until suddenly that power you thought you had is suddenly your greatest demise.

And you have fallen to the greatest depths and the only way to get up is to give up your memory.

You give up the memory of everything you knew, everything that happened years before in a land almost all forgotten.

And you move forward continuing a goal that you had a great dream for, but you can't quite remember the reason for the dream.

"Too slow," the vision wielder laughed dryly.  "And far too incapable.  Is this really the best you reedins gotten?"

"W-we a-are the strongest in the area.  I-I..I m-m-mean no!  W-w-we got better!" The reedin trembled at the sight of her.

She shook her head, "Oh really?  Than show me what you got!"

She than charged forward and a battle that involved no foresight nor magic came into play.

It was only Narissa taunting the Reedin and Narissa winning after she got bored.

She wanted something interesting happen, but she also hoped for world peace without any darkness.

She just hoped it will never get to the point where light is completely shunned.

After she was alone she thought of what had happened back inside and How she refuse to eat.

"How could Niderudion say that like it's nothing." The girl thought dully, kicking the ground.
       "I thought he understood me in that regard.  He said he would help me.  He said one day there would be a day where the starved will walk up and receive food and no more again will feel the pains of hunger.  The day where all in poverty will be able to live without feeling like everything is running out is a dream I dreamed for so long.  Then maybe I can be finally happy."

She put on a veil, one that was custom in Esperon.  She was one of the few that barley wore it.  The reason she didn't was much too complicated.

During festivals were the few times no one did-- except for the royals.

Then she never wore one when fighting so that they would not be able to tell if she was a man or woman.

However, it still annoyed her when the average person confused her for a male.

Then the reedins would know that she was an Esperon and if they assumed she was a girl than they would have to lift up the veil of many woman.

But by doing so it would anger far too many.  And if they assumed she was a man, they would never find her either.

That is why she only got caught during a festival.

She suddenly hear movement and leaned near upon a tree.

She grinned, guessing it had to be a Reedin.  "Lemme guess you are the next strongest reedin that has come to take me down?  And you are so amazingly strong nobody would ever guess that so," she laughed dryly.  "At least give me something more entertaining than that."

"How annoying..." A deep voice growled and she looked up.  Then she realized it wasn't a Reedin.

"Oh?" She smiled, "How entertaining."

There nearby was an elder, specifically a Selvin elder.  "Great an arrogant little Esperon..."

"Arrogant?" Narissa exclaimed, "Now wait a minute..." She furrowed her eyebrows, "I am many things but arrogant isn't one of them.  In fact I've been destroying reedins all through these parts, but go ahead call me arrogant.  Call me a useless fool who has no idea what they're doing."

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