Chapter Fifty- Eight

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Warning: talks of suicide



"No Marianna it sounds like a terrible idea."

"They've been cooped up all their lives! I just want them to explore the world a little before we send the poor babies into battle."

"That's the issue! They're not poor babies! They're killing machines and you largely underestimate that! So again my answer is no."

"You didn't think that when you were playing with Henry."

"It's different, we were here in the tower."

"We can bring them to a secluded part of the woods and just let them breathe in the fresh air." I plead giving him my best puppy eyes. He sighs shaking his head.

"Fine, but if something goes wrong it's all your fault." I smile quickly getting ready and putting the collars on the deviants much to my dismay but Stephen insists and I suppose he's right.

We step through a portal and for a moment I believe the deviants are going to run off into the lush forest but they don't, one of them marking it's territory another trying to catch and eat a bird.

I smile watching them explore the outside Stephen unable to hide his fondness either. We spend time running and playing with all three of them, disappointed when we have to bring them back.

The closer the emergence gets the more nervous I get. I'm not sure what exactly to expect and I feel guilty for using the deviants like some battle machine. They're living creatures and deserve better than the life they were created for and given.

When we get back we're met with some unhappy faces but I tell them exactly what I told Stephen and like the good people my mates are, they understood.

"Unfortunately you're going to have to cancel your plans with Fury my love, we're needed in Asgard, Thor says it's a matter of urgent business requiring all of us there." Loki says as I make sure the deviants closure is locked up correctly and that they have plenty of food and water.

"I can't before our plans I have the therapy session with Matteo, us together, parent and child, I have to be there."

"It's a good thing he has 19 parents." Pietro says with a smile ushering me towards Loki. I shake my head planting my feet to the ground.

"I don't want him to think I don't care, I'm not ditching on our first appointment. Whatever it is will have to be discussed over hologram." I say stubbornly.

"My love you're the quee-" Loki begins saying but I cut him off.

"I am a parent before anything, something your mother understood, but your father never did. I won't let Matteo or any of our future children ever feel second to our duties. I will be more than willing to cancel my plans with Fury and go after the appointment, but I will not be going until then." I say without room for disagreeing, Loki shaking his head.

Pietro pulls me into his arms a look of understanding on his face.

"Fine but if everything goes to shit on Asgard I'm blaming you." I roll my eyes pulling out my phone dialing Thor getting an immediate answer.

"My love why aren't you here yet?" He asks exasperated.

"I'm sorry I can't right now but I promise to be there as soon as possible, what's going on maybe I can help from here." Thor shakes his head breathing heavily.

"Odin is dying, I need you by my side my love." His voice cracks, his electric blue eyes wavering with sadness and need of comfort.

"He's what?!" Loki yells snatching the phone from me pushing his face so close to the camera you can see every pore. Thor stays quiet everyone's eyes turning to Loki.

"We'll that's that I guess." Loki says pushing the phone back into my hands.

"Go to the appointment I'm sure by some miracle he'll hold on, matter of fact you should go out with Fury too, no need to rush." I shoot Loki a dirty look turning my attention back to Thor.

"I have Matteo's appointment today but I promise I will be right by your side the moment I can be my love." I say running my hands over the hologram knowing he won't be able to feel my touch.

"Tell him I love him and make sure to hold him tightly for me." Thor says with a sad smile.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you." He answers back and we both hang up, Loki already leaving the room.

I go to rush after him but he's already teleported to Neptune knows where.

I sigh deeply taking out my phone sending him a text  before calling Fury.

"Don't tell me you're cancelling our plans." Fury says as soon as he picks up.

"I could tell you that but it'd be a lie." I answer apologetically. He scoffs audibly upset and I can't help feeling guilty.

"Is everything okay? Anything I can do to help?"

"Odin is dying I guess, and Thor needs me, I think Loki does also but I have to wait till he knows that too."

"Didn't he make you try to kill yourself?" Fury asks bluntly making me start a coughing fit in shock but also to buy myself time on how to answer.

"He didn't make me, just instigated it." I defended smacking my head as I do so.

"Look he doesn't matter, my loves do and if they say they need me then I'm there, no matter what."

"Well I need you." He says softly. I sigh closing my eyes feeling one of my mates wrap their arms around me looking down to see Wandas pretty red painted nails.

"Come with me, I don't think Thor or Loki will be particularly happy but that'll be for me to deal with. I can't promise it'll be a party but we can be together." I suggest being met with silence.

"Fine pick me up at shield." He hangs up, my phone buzzing with a text almost immediately.

I smile seeing it's Fury telling me to be safe, I send back a quick you too and tuck my phone away giving Wanda a kiss before going to get Stephen so we can go to Matteo's appointment.

This day started out so peaceful, what the fuck.

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