Author's Note

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This story is now officially ended. First of all, I wanted to say thank you for reading this book. I put my heart writing this story and I can't express enough how thankful I am to you reading this. What makes this a little bit special is that this is the first novel that I've finished writing. At first, I thought that writing without readers is always hard‚ thinking about doing something you love without someone supporting you is too painful to think. But through all the months had passed writing this story I realized that you will always find a way just to do the things you love even it's against the will of everyone.

I am aware that this story contains grammatical and typographical erorrs. I also know that there's always room for improvement. Remember that improvement begins within ourselves. Get a little bit better every single day and don't be afraid accepting criticism because it's for the better.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to express my feelings through writing. Thank you for the opportunity to be one of a writer‚ and I thank you personally for that.

I'll hope to see you again to my other stories.


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