#16. Clannad After Story - Nagisa/Tomoya) A Normal Evening In The Life Of...

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Summary: After five years, Tomoya still loves his wife and his daughter. Even though tonight is like any other, Tomoya couldn't be more thankful for having this little family.

Fandom: Clannad After Story
Ship: Nagisa/Tomoya
Genre: Alternative Ending, Fix-It
Warning: SPOILERS for Clannad After Story

part of Shipbruary 2021!


Tomoya's feeling exhausted. It's dark outside, his shoulder aching heavily from keying up in high masts all day. He was so glad when Yusuke finally let him go home; his body couldn't take any more.

He saunters home, to his and Nagisa's apartment. He wonders how she's been holding out all day, with it being Ushio's first day at kindergarten and all.

Would Nagisa have felt alone with Tomoya being at work and Ushio playing somewhere else? Or maybe she wasn't lonely at all, if she went by to see Sanae and Akio and maybe helped out at the bakery for today. That must've been pretty fun for her, to be outside after so long.

He pushes through the hard wind and already sees his apartment in the distance; in not so long he'll be able to greet Nagisa, he'll be able to hug her. And he'll be able to swing Ushio around and play with her after she's told her how her day at kindergarten has been.

His hands shake as he pushes the key into the house's keyhole. They always tremble at moments like this, that split second that he doesn't know what he'll find behind that door; somehow he's always scared it's going to be bad. In many of his dreams, or maybe even memories of another universe, his apartment is empty and filthy. There's no big Dango family sitting on top of their television and there's no Ushio or Nagisa to be seen. These images terrify him, just like they would scare anyone.

He turns his key and pushes through the door, ignoring his fear deep inside.

"I'm home!" he shouts, as soon as he's made his first step inside.

It takes a moment, but even faster than usually little footsteps run closer. "Daddy!" his second-favorite person in the world shouts. Ushio comes racing at him, she greets him with a big hug.

"Tomoya, is that you?" Nagisa asks from the kitchen.

Tomoya chuckles, telling him that's it's him of course. "Who else would walk into your home and be called daddy by our sweet little girl?" he jokes while lifting Ushio up from the floor. Then he turns to his little girl, asking, "So, Ushio, tell me. How was school today?"

"Good!" Ushio shouts in his ear. "I have a very nice teacher."

"Oh yeah? Do you?" Tomoya asks, carrying his five-year-old daughter to the kitchen where Nagisa's cooking dinner just like every other day. Tomoya walks up to Nagisa and wraps his free hand around her shoulders. "And how's my number-one favorite girl doing?"

Nagisa turns to him and opens her mouth to say something, but Tomoya's too quick to give her a short kiss. This, of course, sets Ushio off and she immediately yells, "Bleh, daddy!" trying to push her two parents apart.

Nagisa and Tomoya both chuckle.

"It's not strange or dirty to kiss someone, Ushio," Nagisa explains, taking Ushio out of Tomoya's aching arms. "Mommies and daddies do it all the time, just like daddy and I do."

Tomoya goes in for a more intimate kiss, to finish Nagisa's explanation with a more dramatic bam, startling both Nagisa and their daughter. Nagisa jokily gives him a pat on his good shoulder and tells Ushio, "But sometimes your daddy does some things—"

"Mommy, stop!" Ushio shrieks, sticking out her tongue while trying to push herself out of Nagisa's arms. She's always so disgusted by Nagisa and Tomoya being romantic, while Tomoya's just glad to have Nagisa by his side to be romantic with; dancing, kissing, hugging and just loving in general.

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