#41. Sk8 The Infinity - MatchaBlossom) Can You Hold My Hand?

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Summary: It's okay to bring your best friend when you're planning on getting an illegal tattoo with a forged signature. It's okay, even if said friend kind-of doesn't want to go. Even if said friend has amazing fashion style and sick skateboarding tricks and four awesome-as-fuck piercings. And if you're a little bit jealous of him – that's okay, too.
But, then: is it okay to have him hold your hand because getting a tattoo is loads freakier than you expected?
Is it okay to like it when the aforementioned friend holds your hand?

Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: MatchaBlossom
Genre: Fluff


Kaoru had gone through phases.

Kojiro had always been slightly envious about this, because even though he put lots of effort in being cool, probably much more than Kaoru, to whom it came naturally, no one seemed to notice Kojiro. He was just that normal, silent kid that walked beside Kaoru. No one even knew his name, while everyone immediately noticed it when the posh nerd suddenly started acting rebellious; Kaoru showed up to class late, carrying a skateboard under his left arm. During their first high school summer break Kaoru was the one who'd grown his hair an awful lot, to the point that it was now longer than that of most girls in his year, and his left ear gained about three or four shiny piercings.

The entire school knew about the pink-haired skater boy with the ring through his lower lip. Students as well as teachers stared as he marched the hallways with his normal-looking buddies. Some called him girly or a freak, while others praised him for having the guts to break the school rules like that.

Kojiro was just one of those people who admired him, one of the few people who were proud to be this badass' friend. But he, too, knew deep down that he also was jealous of Kaoru; he had the guts to do badass things like that, all while keeping his grades up. While Kojiro couldn't do either.

He spent his entire high school time walking in Kaoru's shadows, because unlike his eye-catching best friend, he had short hair and brown eyes just like most of the other guys did. The only thing that was special about him was that he could ride a skateboard just like Kaoru; other than that, he was plain.

This needed to change. Kojiro knew he couldn't leave high school as the same plain-ass guy he walked in as. He wanted the girls, and guys too, to stare at him the way they looked at Kaoru. He wanted to be the one who'd get love letters and roses. He needed to shine as bright, if not brighter, than Kaoru.

So, attending the graduation ceremony next Monday cowering in Kaoru's shadows wasn't an option. "I'm getting a tattoo," Kojiro announced when he and Kaoru had finally settled down in a private spot in the back of the class. He'd been waiting all morning to tell Kaoru about his plans for the afternoon and now that lunch break had finally come around, he was relieved to get it off his chest.

Keeping things a secret from Kaoru never was easy. Of course he noticed that something about Kojiro was off when they skateboarded to school that morning, and he made it very clear that he was annoyed by Kojiro's secretive behavior. He even tried demanding answers, but Kojiro didn't budge.

He'd been working on this all night; they weren't in the same class, and even if they were, he couldn't just whisper it in Kaoru's ear, that wouldn't be any fun. It had to be a big announcement.

He slapped a piece of paper on the table and looked up at his best friend, eagerly awaiting Kaoru's reaction. He'd imagined Kaoru's reaction over and over again; his eyes would go all big and he would fold his hands in front of his mouth in shock, and he would tell Kojiro how badass it was that Kojiro would become the first person who'd get a tattoo in high school.

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