#42. Sk8 The Infinity - Renga + MatchaBlossom) This Isn't The End

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Summary: Langa had been bitten. He was still alive, but the infection was spreading. Without a way to save him from this heartbreaking fate, Reki is left with one thing left to do.

Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: Renga, MatchaBlossom
Genre: Zombie Apocalypse AU



Hey There!

Before you start, I sadly have to give a Trigger Warning.
This is a zombie AU, so there will be some rather gruesome scenes. There will also be spoken about death in this fic, if you're affected by this badly, then please don't read this. Mental health before Sk8 fics, okay?

~ Noa


Everything seemed black and white. In slow motion as they all ran down the abandoned escalators of a shopping mall. They would've been faster if they'd hadn't left behind their skateboards, and it was moment like these that Reki regret they had to abandon them when they ventured into the forest a week, or maybe two, ago. Because maybe, just maybe, if they would've had their skateboards with them nothing of this would've happed; sure, some parts of it would, like a pandemic that caused millions of deaths turning out to be a virus leading to an apocalypse rather than a total lockdown, but that way they could've outrun these creatures.

They wouldn't have to run down these shut down stairs and through these dark, grim hallways, hearing the sound of shattering glass beneath their feet. Reki wouldn't have to watch Langa weakly draped upon Joe's back as they tried to outrun the incredibly fast undead that had overrun this town.

The blood dripping from the bite mark in Langa's arm appeared to be the only thing that wasn't in black or white or grey. Instead it was a dark red, so deep that it almost seemed purple in this lighting. It looked gruesome, and just looking at it was enough to make Reki's stomach turn; he was never a big fan of gore, not at all, so seeing his boyfriend's arm turn into what he normally only saw in the horror movies Miya had forced all of them to watch, was more than just heartbreaking to Reki.

Reki's foot slipped from underneath him. He felt gravity pulling him down, his back landing on the ridges of a metal step. It felt like it was piercing him, though he knew the stairs were incapable of doing it. Still, the pain was strong enough for him to feel paralyzed top to toe; maybe it was the blow to his back, maybe it was the knowledge that the flesh eating creatures were right behind them and he could hear them. It was probably the latter; utter fear causing his limbs to go completely numb.

He stared at Joe and Langa's back as they ran at full speed. They were too fast, even if he could get back on his feet, he could never catch up to them in time. He would be outrun by the gory things and he'd be bitten and eaten alive just like Shadow. He closed his eyes.

Was this really the end for him?

The footsteps of at least a dozen of the creatures came closer, faster than Reki had wanted them to. He could hear them groaning and screaming, as if fighting over who could have the most delicious parts of Reki; his ass, his heart, his brain. It was all being sold to the undead.

He laid there, awaiting his death, counting the last seconds of his way-too-short life.

Then, just when he thought it was over, two arms wrapped around him. His body was lifted from the floor and it felt like he was being thrown over someone's shoulder. Was this the end or a new beginning? He wasn't sure until he opened his eyes and saw that he was being carried away from the cluster of pale, inhuman beings.

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