#32. Hotarubi No Mori E - Gin/Hotaru) When The Snow Falls

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Summary: When Hotaru visits Gin on a snowy winter day, because she's wondering how he's doing in this awful cold, the two find themselves snowed into a cave together.

Fandom: To The Forest Of Firefly Lights (Hotarubi No Mori E)
Ship: Gin/Hotaru
Genre: Fluff

part of Shipbruary 2021!


I wonder how Gin's doing. Hotaru thinks to herself as she's walking to school on a snowy morning. Is he cold? Or doesn't that affect spirits like him? There are too many questions clouding Hotaru's mind.

It's like that every winter, she wonders about how Gin's doing and she can't wait until she can go back to him in the summer. But now that she's getting older she wants to be there to see it.

She finds her thoughts wandering off to Gin, whom she's slowly but surely has been falling in love with. He doesn't know that, but she feels it with everything she does; she just wants Gin beside her.

She feels the snow crunching under her feet, hears it, but doesn't pay attention to it. She doesn't even have a clue where's walking to anymore. She's supposed to end up at school, but she eventually finds herself coming out of daze at the station.

Frowning, she wonders how she got here. And why? Actually, she knows exactly why; she dreamt of going to visit Gin, and she subconsciously must've been wanting to do that now too.

She sighs, she's so far from school now and there's no way she can be on time anymore.

She might as well just take the train to where Gin lives.

Her eyes get bigger; did she really just think that?

It's not such a strange idea, actually. She thinks to herself, before sitting down on the little bench to wait for the next train to come. She's just going to visit Gin, like she's been wanting to each winter, and she'll just make sure to be back by the evening so no one will even notice she's gone.

After about ten minutes a train stops at the little station and not long after she's staring from the window. She can see the forest in the distance, it's completely covered with snow even though it's not really snowing anymore. Gin must be freezing out there, fortunately she gave him a scarf some time ago, so he won't have to walk around in his thin t-shirt.

She gets out of the train not much later, almost getting blown out of balance by a strong cold wind. She wraps her jacket around herself a little better before she starts walking towards the forest where Gin and she met the summer of eight years ago. She just hopes he'll be somewhere she can find him.

When she finally reaches the shrine she wandered towards in hope to find her spirit-friend, she doesn't see him anywhere. It causes her heart to start racing, because usually he's waiting for her in this spot. At least, every summer he is and he's never told her where he hides during the winter.

She paces through the snow, mumbling to herself about what she can do; she could wait here, but maybe he won't show up. She can walk into the forest by herself, but Gin has told her to always wait for him because she might get loss and never find her way back to the human-world.

She thinks about what could've happened to Gin, about the reason why he's not here right now. But it only makes her more worried. Just when she's about to freak out, she hears rustling behind her.

"Hotaru?" a familiar voice asks Hotaru.

Hotaru turns around to see Gin standing on the stairs. He's wearing a long coat and the scarf she got him. "What are you doing here?" he asks, taking one of his hands out of the pocket of his coat and takes it through his light-grey hair. His hair seems even closer to white on cold days like this.

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