#22. Ouran High School Host Club - Tamaki/Haruhi) The Great Ouran Bake Off

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Summary: With a big event just around the corner, a lot of baking has to be done; guess who's the only one that can bake?

Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Ship: Haruhi/Tamaki
Genre: Baking, Fluff

part of Shipbruary 2021!


One week ago Tamaki out of nowhere announced that in a week a big event was coming up. All girls and boys of the school would be attending the event the guys had come up with.

There was so much prepping that had to be done before that day came and the host club spend almost all hours that they didn't have customers or class putting up decoration, stands and put posters all over the school to invite people to their big baking sale.

Haruhi didn't even know why they were doing this until yesterday. She asked Tamaki after the rest of the group had denied knowing it, and Tamaki told her they would be raising money for a, to Haruhi, unknown cause; which didn't really answer Haruhi's question, but at least she now knew it wasn't something without a reason other than the purpose of entertaining the hosts themselves.

She went on with her life as per usual; helping out the other hosts with small tasks like carrying in boxes of party poppers, hanging posters on the school's pin boards and setting up stands.

But when Haruhi wanders into the hosts' room she notices something different; though the stands have already been placed all around the room and the chairs, tables and other things that usually filled up the room had been removed yesterday, today there was something new.

"What's this?" Haruhi mutters to herself, walking a little circle around what looks like a portable kitchen of some sort. There are three of them standing in the room, making a little cooking range in the corner. It's really strange, as the guys haven't told Haruhi anything about portable kitchens.

"I see you have arrived in our baking area!" Tamaki's overdramatic voice almost scares the daylights out of Haruhi. Tamaki doesn't seem to notice though, laying his clammy hands on Haruhi's shoulders.

"Tamaki? What is this?" Haruhi asks him, raising her eyebrow at her blond friend.

Tamaki smiles wide and makes big gestures with his hands while asking Haruhi if they hadn't mentioned it would be a baking sale. Of course they'd mentioned it to Haruhi, like a million times, but she doesn't see how a kitchen has to do with it, so she asks her fellow hosts about it.

"Well," Kyouya tells her in a calm yet serious tone. "If we do in fact plan on making money out of this, we will have to sell something."

The twins and Mori nod in agreement, and Honey cheerfully says, "We'll have to make it ourselves!"

Haruhi stares at them with a gaping mouth; they want to do a baking sale for so many people and bake it themselves. There's only one day left and there's no way these spoiled rich guys can bake.

"So." Tamaki presses a folded up piece of paper in the palm of Haruhi's hand and says, "You can get the ingredients we need at the grocery store while we finish deciding on the prices for the sale."

Haruhi frowns, unfolding the piece of paper to reveal that the paper is filled with ingredients from top to bottom. There's no white left of the piece of paper.

She gasps, a little disgusted by the men's spoiled behavior; she isn't their housewife and she also isn't going to be doing all of that shopping on her own. She turns to Tamaki before saying, "Sure, but I'm going to need an extra pair of hands." She grins, taking hold of the sleeve of Tamaki's suit before pulling him with her. "So you are coming with me, Tamaki."

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