#70. Kageyama/Hinata - Haikyuu) One-Sided

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"Fifteen year old Tobio Kageyama suffers a stroke during Spring Tournament."
The title of a video going viral within a matter of seconds says enough; everyone saw it.

Everyone except Hinata.
It wasn't until later, that he realized something was wrong. Very wrong.


"Fifteen year old Tobio Kageyama suffers a stroke during Spring Tournament."

The title of a video going viral within a matter of seconds says enough; everyone saw it. Cristal clear, in his posture when the lights inside of him went out.

Everyone in his team noticed of course, as the ball left his hands one last time. Everyone had seen him swaying, looking confused, before dropping to the ground. Limp.

The sound of the ball hitting the ground on the other side of the net. The sound of someone cheering before a silent, "Oh-" leaves his mouth as he realizes that he only scored because everyone's attention had been drawn to the young setter lying on the ground lifelessly.

Everyone had seen it happening right then and there. Everyone had experienced the pain of watching their friend or foe drop the ground in the middle of a match.

Everyone except Hinata.

He'd been spiking the ball Kageyama has set him, completely unaware of what was happening to his teammate. It wasn't until the ball touched the floor on the other end of the court, and Hinata watched all his opponents just staring at his side of the court with shock in their eyes, that Hinata realized that something was wrong. Very wrong.

Now, watching that fragment of their match, which was being broadcasted on live television at the time, after finding out that Kageyama had a stroke, makes Hinata feel sick to his stomach. In the very moment that it happened, it was all just a haze. A second of panic that rushed through Hinata as he realized that Kageyama had fainted. But he had just fainted; it had happened to Hinata too in the past, when he got too worked up about something that all of a sudden the world would go black for a second. But Kageyama's unconsciousness didn't last just a second. It didn't just last a minute either.

Hours later, he's still at the hospital.

Hinata doesn't know if his teammate woke up by now. A text message was send out hours ago.

"Did you wake up already?" It asked. Hinata just wanted- no needed to know. Even though he knows dead well that even if Kageyama's awake right now, he probably won't be responding anytime soon.

He had a stroke, for God's sake, during a match and on live television too. And while Kageyama's always been someone who can simply shrug things off and never worry about them again, Hinata already knows he won't be able to shrug this off. Even if Kageyama's completely alright after what happened earlier today, he probably won't be able to let go of the fact that this had to happen during one of the team's most important matches. Not that the team is mad at him, not at all; they were the ones that refused to finish the match after watching how Kageyama was carried away on a gurney with two first responders by his side – one of them keeping track of his pulse, and the other manually giving him breaths through a breathing bag – thereby forfeiting their place in the Spring Tournaments.

If anyone's to blame- actually, no one's to blame. Not a person. Not in Hinata's eyes.

But that doesn't mean that he's not utterly frustrated as he lies on his futon in the large hotel room he and his team are staying in for the night. He couldn't help but feel frustrated when the doctors at the hospital told everyone that Kageyama had suffered a serious stroke, worrying all of them, but then saying that he wasn't allowed to share more details with the team since they weren't family. Hinata couldn't help but feel angry when he saw that the video of Kageyama collapsing during the match had gone viral on all sorts of media, and he got even angrier when he scrolled to the comments and read that people were calling him "drama queen" and said he was "faking it".

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