#58. BNHA - TodoDeku) A Socially-Awkward Hero and A Clumsy Dork In One Room

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Summary: Todoroki Shouto had this feeling that his new roommate, Midoriya Izuku, was a little odd from the start. This feeling was quickly comfirmed when Midoriya slipped in the shower and broke his arm.

Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: TodoDeku
Genre: Fluff, College AU


Shouto had been able to tell from the start; his roommate was a little odd. This feeling didn't come from the merchandize of the number 1 hero, who was ranked above Shouto's father, it wasn't about his T-shirts saying "sweater" or something like that. It wasn't even about the fact that, unlike Shouto, he didn't have quirk; these dorms were shared between a hero-course and a normal college after all.

For the entire first day, he couldn't tell what it was. He just had this feeling that Midoriya was weird, somehow. This feeling was confirmed when Shouto was sitting on his bed later that same evening.

Midoriya had just left the room to take a shower, like any normal person would after a long and stressful day of unpacking bags, when Shouto suddenly heard a crash. It was loud, Shouto had been sure that the room even trembled when it happened. The crash was accompanied by a deafening scream that couldn't be from anyone beside Shouto's new roommate.

In some sort of hero-instinct, Shouto leapt up from the couch and ran to the bathroom. The door was locked, which maybe was for the better since Midoriya would be showering inside. Shouto knew what that meant, and he honestly didn't really feel like seeing his new roommate naked on his first day here; it would traumatize him, to say the least.

Shouto pressed his ear up against the wooden door, listening for any sound that implied that his green-haired roommate was still alive. A pained groan told him enough; he wouldn't be a bystander of a shower-scene-death... not today, at least.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his ear still firmly pressed up against the door. "Midoriya?"

Another grumble reached the other side of the door. It was soon followed by Midoriya's voice telling Shouto that everything was alright. "I simply slipped, that's all!" He sounded alright, just as chipper as he'd sounded when his mother dropped him off at the college dorms that same morning.

"Okay?" It came out more like a question, mainly because that crash and scream didn't make it sound like Midoriya was okay. In the room below them, it probably had sounded like someone bombarded the place here. But if Midoriya stated he was okay, it was probably that way.

Shouto reassured himself that Midoriya would tell if he was in pain and walked back over to his bed. He grabbed his book and started reading, trying to focus on everything that was in there, while he listened to Midoriya's grunting, groaning and "ouch"-ing as he remained locked in the bathroom.

About fifteen minutes later, the sound of the door unlocking echoed through the room and Midoriya strolled into the room. He looked like a mess; unlike that morning, his hair was one wet, poufy mess, he was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt that obviously was a size or two too big, and his All-Might vest was wrapped around him like a blanket. Under that blanket, cradled up against Midoriya's chest, was his arm. Even from this distance, Shouto could tell it was red and clearly swollen.

"What happened?"

"I think I may have twisted my arm a little when I slipped." Midoriya chuckled awkwardly.

Shouto had many questions, like "how do someone just slip in the shower?", "Why is Midoriya acting so casual about this; was this something that regularly happened to quirkless people?" and, maybe the most important one, "how could Midoriya consider his clearly broken arm 'a little twisted'?". All he said was, "Hm" before putting down his book and getting up from his book.

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