#34. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Winry/Ed) Girls Have The Right To Care

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Summary: When Ed returns home more injured than ever before, Winry's convinced she'll lose him; is this the moment she has to tell him what she wanted to tell him for so long?

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Ship: Winry/Ed
Genre: Angst, Injured AU

part of Shipbruary 2021!


Winry always has worried about Ed and Al too much. She's always been told that she need to worry about the boys less, that two guys like them can take care of themselves.

Winry never really believed them though and she has a good right to. Especially when yesterday, at three in the morning, Alphonse carried Edward into Winry's home.

She couldn't have been more hurt by the sight of the poor guy's physical state. She hadn't seen him this bad since that day Ed lost his arm and leg.

Al carried his older brother inside, and Winry almost fainted; there was blood everywhere, and the prosthetics Winry had once made were ripped off completely, with access skin and all.

Normally she would've killed Ed if she'd seen his automail torn up like this, but there wasn't any time for that; Ed was on the verge of bleeding out, and there was no broken automail left to be mad about. So instead of getting mad, she just pushed through her pain and helped Al carrying him.

She must've cried while helping Ed to the operation table, she must've almost fainted at least twenty times before she finally got Ed to a somewhat stable condition.

Afterwards Al asked her if she was alright, and all she could do was shake her head; she couldn't even speak, that's how shocked she was.

She didn't even sleep last night, she just sat there silently next to Ed's unconscious body. Al sat beside her for almost the entire night as well, he just left a couple of minutes to take a walk to clear his head, but Winry felt paralyzed; not only numb to all feeling as she looked at the guy she'd always been so closed with being in such a miserable state, but also unable to move away from that spot. She was too scared something would happen if she left for even just a second; what if he started bleeding again and bled out? What if he had internal damage and died when she wasn't around? Thoughts like that circled her mind all night, and now, after pulling an all-nighter, Winry still doesn't even feel tired. Her eyes are wide open, fixed on Ed's pale and emotionless face.

It's so calm that Winry feels the strong urge to want to check his heartbeat and breathing, but she's too exhausted to even move her arms. She's also too tired to notice Al walking into the room with a cup of coffee and a sandwich, so when Al appears beside her, she almost gets scared to death.

"You should eat something," Al mumbles, presenting Winry the food.

It doesn't look appealing at all and Winry has no appetite, but she knows Al's right; she should be at full strength in case something is to happen to Ed. So instead of ignoring Al's offer, Winry takes the pieces of bread with chicken and lettuce and takes a bite. It tastes bland, almost as if her taste buds are numb to taste as well as the rest of her is completely numb to everything. But she still eats it.

After finishing her sandwich, which seems to last for forever, she reaches for the cup of coffee Al brought her. Her eyes fill up tears when she sees the overly milked down coffee.

"Is something wrong?" Al asks.

Obviously something's wrong; Ed's lying on Winry's bed with only two limps left, hooked up to tubes that are the only thing that are keeping him from bleeding out, and this isn't the first time.

It takes a moment before Al seems to notice the pained expression on Winry's face, but when he does he calmly corrects himself by adding, "With the coffee, I mean."

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