#53. Free! - MakoHaru) Falling, Like The Pink Sakura Petals

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Summary: Sometimes you don't know that you're falling until it's already to late to stop it from happening. In moments like that, where you're already halfway your big fall: Is it better not to fall any deeper, even if this causes you to make rapid decisions? Or is it better to go with it and let yourself fall, even when that thought scares you more than anything ever has done before? Which is the right choice?
Haruka has no clue.

Fandom: Free!
Ship: MakoHaru
Genre: Fluff


A pathway covered in the pink petals of this month's cherry blossom. Even though, Haruka has walked this road his entire life, it has never seemed this beautiful. Felt this calming.

Each time he walked down this path with Makoto by his side, he was worrying about something. Whether it was about school and the pressure it put on Haruka's always-empty social battery, a test or unmade homework, or something entirely else, it all caused him to much stress that he never actually admired the beautiful surroundings he was allowed to pass each and every morning.

Now, he has no worries, though; there's no school this afternoon and the weather's exactly warm enough for the thin, long-sleeved sweater Haruka chose to wear. Even his shoes are fitting him nicely today, even if he's slightly worried about Makoto making assumptions because of the rainbow on them. Not that it's a secret that Haruka's queer, but he wants to find a way to tell Makoto instead of having him find out because of the sole of his shoe. But they're the only shoes that fit him well enough to actually do the activity Makoto texted Haruka about this morning; taking a long walk.

At first, Haruka wasn't sure what to think of it, and back then he did indeed have some worries; he'd trained a lot the past few weeks and therefore woke up with aching knees this morning. But that didn't stop him from following up on Makoto's offer; the two friends hadn't done anything together in such a long time, and Haruka really was starting to miss the one-on-one moments they used to have all the time when they were a little younger.

So, he said "yes, meet you in five" before rushing over to his closet to pick out his best clothes. He didn't know why exactly he wanted to dress up fancy, and he was afraid he'd be overdressed for a simple walk and maybe sitting down at a café, but he did it anyway; throwing on his nicest pair of soft pink jeans, a light blue sweater that used to be white until it was washed with a blue hoodie, causing it to look even better than before. His outfit was finished when he put on the rainbow shoes he'd bought at one of those American websites where people sell things they made themselves.

He felt a little unease when making his way over to their meeting spot, afraid that Makoto would show up in a normal T-shirt or maybe a sweat vest like usual.

But as soon as he also arrived, Haruka knew that he didn't need to have any worries anymore; Makoto was wearing even fancier clothes than him.

Makoto now walks the paths between the cherry blossom trees, trying not to get his fancy shoes dirty because of the rainfall that'd moistened the earth the night before. It looks pretty funny, almost like Makoto's dancing as he jumps over the puddles.

Haruka releases a short chuckle when his tall friend almost steps right into the middle of a puddle. His jumping strategy, which previously saved his shoes, almost ends in a small misstep ruining his light blue, and expensive looking, ripped jeans with splatters of mud.

He can just barely escape the tragedy, but also almost loses his balance doing this.

The breeze picks up Makoto's long coat, which reaches all the way down his knees, and swoops it around him as he turns around to Haruka.

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