#56. Heartstopper - Nick/Charlie) Honey With Tea

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When you're sick, you need sappy stuff.
Stuff like your boyfriend bringing roses.
Stuff like miracles.
Stuff like the power of honey with tea.

Fandom: Heartstopper
Ship: Nick/Charlie
Genre: Sick-fic, Fluff



Guess who dove back into the OTP sick-fic prompts???
Me! I did!

So, yeah, what can I say?
It's just one of those cute, fluffy sick-fics, because we LOVE to see our two Heartstopper boys be all adorable together.
Be prepared for lots of blankets, tea, snuggles and many more cute things! Not to forget; of course there will be soooomeee angst sprinkled into this, but it's just so it's not too tooth-rottingly sweet, because that role in the story's already taken by the honey with tea ;)


~ Noa

Edit: Ohoh! It's Nick's POV!!!
(totally not forgetting preeettyyy important information)


Snow crunches beneath my feet as I walk down the pavement. I should've worn a warmer coat. I guess when you've been playing rugby in the winter cold, you start to underestimate the temperature when you are not running. It's absolutely freezing!

My cheeks feel all tingly, almost like the snowy air is causing them to go all numb. They're probably starting to get a little pink by now, just like the roses that I hold in my hands.

I didn't really know what to get Charlie. I mean, what on earth do you buy for your boyfriend when he's come down with a pretty bad case of the common cold. I sure know it's not cookies; not only because he's got a cold, but also because it's Charlie. A "get well soon" card with some teddy bear on it, would be way too sappy. So are roses, though, but they seemed like my best option.

Charlie loves sappy stuff. I tell myself while I look down at the roses one more time.

When I raise my head again, I'm faced with a closed door. Somehow the door I've knocked on a thousand of times before seems more daunting right now. Maybe it's the white layer that covers it, or the yellow light behind the window that makes it look like there's a fire going on inside. That's probably not the case, though; it's most certainly because ma tried to talk me out of going. She said I'm going to catch Charlie's cold this way. It's true, but not a good enough reason to stay away.

I knock on the door and in that I'm doing it, I convince myself that this is the best for the both of us; Charlie will get better sooner if I'm there to cheer him up. He won't feel as miserable and lonely.

With the sound of creaking hinges, the door opens. Charlie's ma appears in the doorway.

"Oh, hi, Nick! I didn't expect you to come over today." There's an apologetic smile on her face when she adds, "Didn't Charlie tell you he's sick?"

"He did." I gesture at the flowers I'm holding in my hands; she'll get the hint.

"Oh-" She looks back to me and smiles brighter. "That's so nice of you." With a careful nod, she steps aside, allowing me to come inside. Their hallway is just a little warmer than usual; this is just how houses feel when one of the people that live there are ill, ma always makes the house extra hot and homey too. The hallway, though, is nothing compared to Charlie's bedroom.

The second I step through the doorway that leads to Charlie's bedroom, I walk against a wall of warm and musty air. It feels like going outside in the summer; I'm just hit in the face, almost tackled by the strength of the air inside of the room.

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