#52. Sk8 - Renga) Everything Is Fake... until it isn't

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Summary: Is it smart to tell your mother you'll bring someone special over for your birthday dinner? Even when you don't have someone that special they'll pass as a special person instead of a friend? Is it smart to bring your male best friend as that special someone? Especially when you haven't come out to your mother yet?
Is it smart?
But that doesn't mean Langa doesn't do it anyway.

Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: Renga
Genre: Fake Dating AU, Fluff

My 18th birthday special



Hey There!

Just, before we start, there's some short trigger warnings I have to give:
There's some huge amount of gaypanic and coming out included, so if you're badly affected by this, please skip on the fic and go read something that makes you happy instead of panicked or sad ^^



"Yeah, I have someone I can ask over." That was the answer Langa gave when his mother started about throwing a dinner party for Langa's birthday three days from now.

Now, it wasn't meant to be a lie; Langa could easily ask Reki or Miya, maybe even Cherry or Joe over for dinner. But when he answered his mother's unclear question he made a mistake he would dread for the days leading up to his birthday.

Why? You may ask.

Well, his mother, vague as she can be, wasn't referring to a friend when she asked if Langa had someone who would like to join them for dinner. She was referring to a special someone; a girlfriend.

This was something Langa didn't have for multiple reasons; one being that he had never tried dating, with no one, having so much social contact would drain him of his energy in an instance. He also had never tried getting a girlfriend, that being because he was as straight as a circle.

Now, it wasn't that he didn't want to ask someone over, he'd gladly make his mother happy by coming home with a nice person he loved in a non-platonic way. It was just that he didn't have someone like that.

So, that's why, when Langa found out about the miscommunication he was ready to tell her; he wouldn't be bringing over a girl, no partner he dated, but he was bringing over some friends. Just people he liked to hang with, since his mother hadn't met them just yet.

It would be easy. She'd understand.

That's what Langa told himself at least, as he headed to bed soon after their conversation had ended.

But this plan got completely ruined when he came downstairs for a midnight snack the same night and he heard someone talking in the livingroom, Langa was curious as to what his mother's voice was speaking about. She sat there, crouched down by the memorial they'd made for Langa's late father.

Langa swallowed thickly when he heard her say it; telling his father all about the "girl" Langa was bringing home. How happy and proud she was that he'd finally opened up his heart to someone.

He stood there, listening. Every word she said hit him harder, made him realize more and more how royally he had messed this up; she truly believed that Langa had found someone.

He shrunk back up to his room then, trying to ignore what happened.

Still, it kept him from sleeping that night. He squeezed his eyes shut, pressed his head under the pillow, but nothing helped. His racing thoughts were keeping his brain wide awake.

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